Chapter 3: Grandsons

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"Ehh...You sure you want your picture like that?" the photographer asked Naruto. 

"You look like an idiot...Naru" Kurama laughed. '

Shut up! It's for my cover...' Naruto said mentally.

"When are you going to all out?" Kurama asked. 

'Not yet, maybe the Chunin Exams. That's when there will be stronger ninja from different villages' Naruto replied. 

"Hmm. Alright. I'm go back to sleep" Kurama said. 'What a lazy ass...' Naruto sighed.

"Yeah I want it like that. Just take it already." Naruto replied annoyed.

"Okay...Just don't come back and ask for another one....cheese..." the photographer said for his ninja identification.'I will regret it....' Naruto thought 'It's all for the cover...'

 Hokage Tower

The Hokage looked at Naruto identification picture and a frown formed on his face. 'What happened?' he thought. Where was that young bright child that didn't act like this?

"He-he took me forever to put on the paint" Naruto grinned. "I'm pretty artistic eh?" 

Hokage was silent for a moment and shouted "RETAKE IT!"

"What?! Why? Old man, it took me more than 3 hours to put on the paint!" Naruto shouted. 'And a funny one as well' Naruto thought smirking as he looked at picture.

"Because you look like an idiot! I thought you wanted to be a good shinobi? A Hokage?" the Kage started "Then act like one and retake it! And where is your head band?" he finished.

"He, I'm saving it for tomorrows ceremony and don't call me an IDIOT!" Naruto shouted. "You know full well I'm the brightest one in my class!" he bragged as he looked around to see if it was only him, the old man, and Satsuki. And it was.

The Hokage sighed "Naruto, that head band symbolize one step of becoming a ninja of this should be wearing it every day."

"What about you huh? I don't see you wearing it!" he pouted. "That's a different story, plus I'm the Hokage, I can do what I please" Sarutobi grinned.

Then suddenly the entrance door flung open and a little boy runs in with a scarf around him.

"OLD MAN TODAYS THE DAY I TAKE YOUR TITLE!" the boy shouted. 'Yeah right, like that's going to happen. It's going to be me' Naruto thought.

"Oh my gosh not again, My apologies Hokage-sama" said man with glasses running right after him.

"Who the hell are you? Some kid of a comedian show?" Naruto asked.

The man was taken back. 'It's the Kyuubi-brat...such ugly clothes and I heard he was dead last'

"Who's this loser? You have no type of style!" the boy mocked with grin. Naruto rolled his eyes mentally 'I really want to change clothes kid, but not yet'

"Loser?" Naruto wondered "LOSER?" he said again with a higher tone and picked the boy up by his collar and lift him to his face. "What you say brat? I dare you to say it again!" Naruto threatened.

"Los-...Brat! Let go of the br-..Him! He is the Sandaime grandson" the man cried. 'Almost called the kid a brat...He is one though" the man thought (he's talking about Konohamaru)

"Go ahead and hit me" the boy grinned. 'Now that he know he be just like the others...'

'That brat doesn't really think I'll do it' Naruto thought annoyed by both him and the man.

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