Chapter 1~

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"Come on Riley, we should go home." My best friend, Amanda, pleads from behind me.

"Don't be such a Debby Downer, I know this forest intrigues you just as much as it does me." I reply with a smirk, my arms crossed over my chest to show off my stubborness. She runs her hand through her hair anxiously, internally debating going further into the forest than we already are or turning around and going back to the car.

We found this forest on our way home from a short vacation to the beach. We live in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and when we get the chance to go to the beach we accept immediately. We stayed for the week as it is the summer before our first year of college. It was ending way to fast and we needed an adventure.

"Just give in, Amanda! I'm going in whether you are or not." With that I turned and began walking away from her.

"Fine" She huffed. I could tell she was nervous and laughed at her suspense. I looked at her and gave her an innocent smile causing us to laugh and continue our journey through the unknown.

A twig snapped from somewhere to our left and Amanda threw me her infamous 'if we die, I'm blaming you' stare.

"Don't worry, it's probably just an orc." I say with the best serious face I could muster.

"Funny" she glared playfully. She was smiling now that I mentioned the entire reason of us talking to one another.

It was freshman year of high school and I had absolutely no friends. I was sitting in the library rereading my favorite series, Lord of the Rings, when a girl with auburn hair walked in. She saw the book I was reading and plopped down in the empty seat beside me.

"Careful, if you read that book it will cause you to become obsessed, and before you know it your life will revolve around the series and you can kiss your social life good-bye."

"Too late" I replied with a smile, setting the book down beside me. We talked for hours about all sorts of different things and after that we made some sort of nonverbal commitment of being friends. And we've only grown closer since.

I smiled at the memory. It was easily one of the best days of my life; I really have no idea where I'd be without that amazing girl. Honestly, I'd probably still be stuck at home living a tortured life.

I look over at Amanda to see her bending down and plucking a white flower, most likely a daisy, and placing it in her hair.

"God, you're such a hippie." I groaned. She stuck her tongue out at me and laughed.

My plain, red t-shirt stuck to my stomach as the wind picked up, rustling the leaves in the branches. I pulled my blonde hair into a pony-tail so it wouldn't repeatedly whack me in the face, and looked around in search of a climbable tree. At last, I spotted one only a few yards away and raced towards it, grabbing the lowest branch and hoisting myself up.

My worn-out vans hit the bark quietly as I climbed higher and higher. I reached the highest I could and looked out above the treetops. I could see butterflies fluttering about, enjoying the sunset. The sky was blood red over the edge of the trees. It looked surprisingly similar to the view they showed in The Hobbit movie when Bilbo climbed the tree in Mirkwood. I laughed to myself and began to descend the tree.

I jumped the last few feet and landed triumphantly on my feet, my ankles only tingling slightly. I smiled in satisfaction as I looked up expecting to see Amanda looking for more daisies to make one of those flower crowns she obsesses over.

It had gotten a little darker since I was atop the tree, leading me to believe the sun must have set. I looked for Amanda only to be let down. I began to get anxious. Amanda isn't the type to just wander off without a word.

"Amanda?" I call out, but there isn't a reply.

"If this is some kind of joke it isn't funny.. Come out right now!" I plead, thinking she'll appear from behind the trunk of a tree laughing at my petrified face.

But she doesn't.

I begin to walk, suddenly aware of every sound there is. Leaves behind me crunch and I spin to meet the owner of the sound only to find no one there.

I continue my hasty search for her, getting more and more anxious as each minute slowly passes by. My body begins to hyperventilate after nearly an hour of looking for her, and I can't breathe as I try to force the tears not to fall. I gasp for breath after breath. Not caring if my clothes get dirty, I sit on the cool ground, pulling my legs to my chest in attempt to physically hold myself together, and then close my eyes, trying to get my breathing in order and calm myself down. It doesn't help as a low sob escapes from my throat and a stream of tears fall down my face.

I manage to walk to a nearby tree, hugging my legs tighter against my chest, and forcing my back as far into the tree trunks crevice as it can go to hide myself from anything lurking nearby, not even attempting to hide my fear anymore. More sobs rack through me as a more persistent darkness spreads through the forest. It must be really late by now. What feels like hours pass, but in reality I'm sure it's no more than a few minutes, and my sobs have subsided, leaving only silent tears. I'm in the same position, too scared to move in case a wild animal attacks me. I hear an unfamiliar noise come from behind me and turn to see what it is at once.

A very sharp arrow is aimed a foot's length from my face and I use my peripheral vision to see more and more appear, surrounding me. They come closer and closer slowly, placing me in the center of a secluded circle. I feel like the prey of a snake as it squeezes the life out of its dinner.

I try to let out an earsplitting scream, but no noise comes out. A very attractive man, who looks mildly familiar paces towards me. My eyes widen as I take in his appearance, and recognize him. He has long, blonde hair with a few strands braided down the sides of his head and a small braid down the back, while the rest of his hair is free to fall down his shoulders. His eyes are bright blue as they look at me filled determination.

"Who are you?" He demands, still stepping closer until he is almost touching me with the head of his arrow. I simply stare at him in shock. This can't be right. I must be dreaming or hallucinating or something. The person aiming a very sharp arrow at my face is just a character in a book, no more than a figment of one's imagination.

I know exactly who he appears to be, but Legolas isn't real. He's fiction! Fake! But everything I've read and seen of him fits perfectly with this man. The last thought that runs through my head is that I must be crazy and put into an asylum. Then my head begins to spin and the darkness sneaks its way into my sight, and wins the battle completely as my eyes flutter close and my body goes limp.

I Made It (Legolas love story) *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now