Chapter 4~

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Why am I shaking? I swear I'm not moving my body on my own. After deciding to see if there was an earthquake or something happening, I opened my eyes. None other than King Thranduil was shaking me lightly and saying my name.

"Riley, it's time to wake up." He spoke softly. I've never heard a voice so soft and calm before.

"Five more minutes..." I said lazily turning my head the opposite direction while it rested on my crossed arms. He chuckled and shook me again, "Wake now. Dinner is almost ready, and if you sleep any more, you won't be able to rest tonight."

I let his words sink in slowly, and pried my eyes open, turning to face him. He was leaning over slightly, his hand still on my upper arm from shaking me awake. My neck felt stiff and my body was still half asleep, but I let my legs fall from underneath me, and pushed myself out of the comfortable chair, rubbing my neck to rid it of the soreness it was experiencing.

"How did you find out our names? I don't remember you asking us for them." I said, truly curious.

"I asked Amanda and she told me. That isn't important right now, though. What is important is that I feed my guests so they can be healthy enough to make their trip back home," He said as I got up. I froze and my eyes widened slightly. I tried to carry on what I was doing, but the damage was done. He noticed I tensed up and tilted his head to the side.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked.

"No.." I cautiously replied, "I'm just not sure where our home is exactly." I began to fiddle with my fingers and he stood there quietly.

"I'm sorry, we can go whenever you wish and search on our own if you want to rid us." I said quickly trying not to upset him. I've read how he gets when he is mad, and I do not want to experience it firsthand.

"That won't be necessary. I'm afraid I cannot help you remember your home, but I know someone who possibly can." With that he turned and left the room. I looked at the chair Legolas was sitting at earlier. He wasn't there anymore and I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

We entered the dining hall to see Legolas and Amanda talking casually about who knows what. Their conversation stopped when the king and I walked in. Legolas stood, bowed his head to his father and sat down again. Amanda copied him and I took a seat next to her, while King Thranduil sat at the head of the table.

"Riley has told me that you do not know where your home is or how to get there. I am not experienced in the art of memory recollection, but I believe I know someone who is." The King spoke with confidence. Amanda gave me a worried glance, but I shrugged it off. "We would be forever in your debt if you were to help us." I bowed my head.

"Then it is decided. You shall go to the house of Elrond in Rivendell." He said. In my mind I was freaking out. I've always wanted to meet Elrond! He seemed like such a great father and since I never had one of the sorts, I was immediately drawn to his character.

"That sounds wonderful, sire. But I am afraid we don't know the way." Amanda piped up. I nodded in realization, but the king dismissed it with the wave of his hand.

"Legolas will accompany you, if he will, for he has matters to deal with there already." We all looked expectantly at Legolas.

"Of course, Father." He replied and smiled reassuringly at me and Amanda.

"Then now it is settled. You shall leave at dawn. I suggest you eat quickly and get some rest. You have a long journey ahead of you all." And with that we began to eat. I was nervous, but equally excited. I practically inhaled my food all at once and raced to my room to prepare. I packed a few dresses that the maids had left on the end of my bed, a few tunics and pairs of leggings, as well as my now clean original clothes.

Once my pack was full I set it beside the door to grab on my way out, and lay down in the soft bed. The bed was made of some material that must have made you fall asleep because as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was in a dreamless state because no dream could top my reality.

* * * * *

"GET UP, LOSER, WE'RE GOING ON AN ADVENTURE!!" This is how I was woken up. If she were a normal friend she'd shake me gently and say my name until I opened my eyes. But she's not normal, so I got awoken by being jumped on and yelled at repeatedly.

"I'm up, I'm up." I surrendered, sticking my hands up in defeat. I'm not going to lie, I was freaking out just as much as she was on the inside. I just know how to keep my cool. She, on the other hand, does not. She took off running out of my room, probably back to hers to freak out and dance, leaving me alone in bed. I walked onto the balcony to gaze at the breathless view. The sun was just rising. It had to be like 4 o'clock in the morning or something.

There was a gentle knock on my door. "Come in." I said as I walked back inside from the balcony. It was King Thranduil. I bowed my head to him and he smiled warmly at me. He's not as mean as the movie makes him out to be, but then again they don't really know him.

"This is for you. I thought it would be more comfortable to travel in." He handed me a green tunic with brown leggings and a pair of elvish made shoes that were super light.

"I couldn't thank you enough, my lord." I bowed again and he laughed softly. "It's my pleasure. I will leave you to change, yes?" I nodded and smiled, waving goodbye as he shut the door behind him.

I put on my clothes, which fit perfectly. They weren't too tight but not too loose either. They were simply comfortable. The shoes felt more like pillows on my feet, due to their soft soul and light nature. I looked at myself in the full-body mirror in a corner of the room. I decided to braid a single strand of hair and put all of it in a messy ponytail using the ponytail holders I had on my wrist from my beach trip. That trip felt like it was years ago. I could barely believe it had only been a day. Well, if you count the extra day I was unconscious it would be a couple of days.

I made a silly face at my reflection then left with my backpack in my hand. I went out to the courtyard and saw Amanda wearing a baby blue tunic with black leggings and the same shoes as me, but black. I smiled at her and she walked up to me.

"What are we going to tell Elrond?" she asked. I have no plan whatsoever for our encounter with Lord Elrond, and frankly, I'm scared as hell.

"I don't know yet. I'll think of something." I gave her a reassuring smile, but I didn't convince her or myself.

"Are you ready to leave?" Legolas walked up behind us. We nodded and he whistled. Three beautiful, pure white horses galloped towards us. I gasped at their beauty as guards placed saddles on them all. Once they were packed tightly with food, water, and our travel sacks, we said our farewells to the king and few other people that surrounded us.

"I wish you the best of luck and may the Valar be with you. I hope to see you all soon again." With that from the king we mounted our horses. I was really glad me and Amanda went to that horse camp a few summers ago. If we hadn't, I'm sure we'd look like a couple of fools. I kicked my horse, Rochael was his name, he began his trot after Legolas and Amanda followed me.

"And the journey begins." Amanda says to no one in particular. Both Legolas and I laugh. So it does...

I Made It (Legolas love story) *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now