Chapter 21

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I paced back and forth for at least twenty minutes on the balcony outside the throne room. I decided against the garden, it was too obvious and I just wanted to be alone right now. My footsteps slowed bit by bit until I was in a standstill at the balcony rail. I stared at it curiously, wondering if it was wide enough to support me if I laid down on it.

Taking the risk of falling to my death, I sat and then leaned back slowly. My leg swayed gently while it hung over the side with no bottom. My fingers moved through the air as if they were playing an invisible piano and I lightly hummed to some song I forgot the name of.

There wasn't a cloud in the sky from what I could tell. Trees lined my vision of the stars creating a natural frame, and blocking my view of anything outside the barrier. My soft hums faded along with my finger motions as my song came to an end.

"Normally," I jumped as a voice interrupted the silence, "I would not allow any person to use my balcony other than myself." Thranduil stood in the open doorway, watching me with a blank expression. He continued, "But, I believe your uses for it are greater than mine at the moment."

"Excuse me for not getting up and bowing. I'm really not in the mood for it right now." I said from my sideways position. He chuckled in return and I looked at him oddly, but let it go.

"Do you know how long she's staying?" I hoped he knew who I was talking about.

"I haven't the faintest idea. Though I doubt it will be before you forgive her." He said slowly. I sighed deeply and looked up at the stars again.

"I don't want to forgive her. I want her to disappear again." I sat up and turned my back to him, facing the village the balcony over looked. No one was out due to the time of night and it was quiet except for the occasional hoot of an owl or a small amount of wind rustling the leaves.

"Do you really wish that?" He pressed. Now he was directly beside me, sitting on the ledge as well, only facing the opposite direction. I looked at him, but he didn't gaze back at me.

"I'll let you in on a secret. I used to pray that she died when she left, and that's why she never came back for me. I always hoped she was watching over me and comforting me when I was sad, but she was dead, and so she couldn't actually be there with me. Sometimes it's better to not know the truth." I said.

This time he looked at me. I couldn't match his gaze, so I switched my sight back to the village. I could feel him staring at me and see the light dance in his eyes out of the corner of mine.

"Sometimes it is better to create your own theories, but in the end the truth will always come out, and some part inside you will be happy it did." He replied in a soft voice. I closed my eyes for a second then opened them after taking in his advice. When I turned to say something else, he was gone, and I was left to ponder over my thoughts alone.

I have to talk to her. I have to know how she got here and why she left in the first place. I need answers and I need them now. I kicked my legs back over the ledge, and pushed off. The throne room was empty and the only source of light was the crescent moon you could faintly see through the windows.

Too late I realize I have no idea where she is staying, so I make my way to Legolas' room in hope that maybe he'll know. I don't bother with knocking, and just barge on in. He's lying in bed, shirt off and in nothing but leggings. His head was resting on his muscular arm while the other was lazily placed on his stomach.

"What room is my mom staying in?" I ask trying to keep my gaze on his face rather than letting my eyes linger on his exposed chest. His eyes were closed and I just had the thought that he was possibly asleep. I crept over to his still body, trying to be as quiet as I possibly could. My face was inches from his when his eyes opened. I screamed as he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me on top of him.

"That wasn't funny, Legolas!" I groaned attempting to keep a serious face, but failing miserably. His cute laugh wasn't helping, and soon I found myself laughing along with him. I placed my chin on his chest, watching him laugh with a goofy grin on my own face.

"Now can you tell me where my mom is?" I asked, batting my eyelashes like they do in the movies. He smirked down at me.

"If I get something in return." He replied. I let out a long sigh.

"What do you want?" He smiled a smile that made me rethink asking that question.

"I want you to stay here with me: every night, every day, and every second. I want you to be with me forever." The mood went from joking to serious in a matter of seconds, and I sat there, shocked, for a few seconds before finding my voice.

"Forever is an awfully long time. Do you think you can handle me for that long?" I asked in an attempt to lighten the mood.

"I couldn't dream of a life without you in it." He said with a smile. I could feel my cheeks burn at his words, and he laughed.

"I would love to spend forever with you by my side." I told him, and then I leaned up and kissed him with a passion I had never felt before. My mind went blank except for the thought of his lips on mine. Our innocent kiss soon turned not so innocent. He flipped us over in a quick motion so instead he hovered over me, supported only by his elbows on either side of my head.

"Oh my God! I'm traumatized!" I heard a familiar voice shout from the door.

"Amanda!" I squealed. I pushed Legolas off of me and ran to my best friend. We both tumbled to the floor as I attacked her in a giant bear hug.

"Get off me, fatty." She laughed as she pushed me to her side. A still shirtless Legolas reached down and helped me up, laughing at us as he did so.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I grabbed her hand to pull her off the ground.

"Elrond had a vision of you dancing in the hallway, so we set off the next day. We just arrived." She explained. I blushed again, but laughed it off as best I could.

"So he's here, too?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Yeah, he's talking to your father." She said, pointing towards Legolas. "He was freaking out about how he thought you'd never wake up and it would be his fault. It was quite annoying, actually."

"Well let's go visit the poor guy before he has a heart attack. Maybe you should put some clothes on, leaf." I said. Legolas blushed a little at my comment, but slipped on a shirt, nonetheless. We made our way through the halls as Amanda talked about all I missed.

Aragorn and Arwen got married, and are now king and queen of Gondor. I already knew all of this, of course, but I acted surprised so it wouldn't seem strange to Legolas who was only half-heartedly listening to our conversation.

We stopped in front of the double doors of the throne room. I could hear Thranduil and Elrond talking quietly to one another. The guards on either side of the doors simultaneously opened them, and the three of us walked in.

Elrond wore light blue robes and his usual diadem that held his hair out of his face and showed off his pointed ears.

"Elrond!" I exclaimed, running towards him with a goofy grin. He smiled in return and caught me in a hug, practically breaking my bones.

"Can't breathe." I muttered.

"I told you not to come with me, but you have to be stubborn and ignore my warnings. I thought you were going to die! You had me worried sick." He lectured me. I looked at the ground in shame because he was right.

"But I'm not dead, and there's isn't anything to worry about anymore." I piped in with a whisper. He let out a frustrated huff, and then everyone was silent.

"You'll never guess who is staying here." I broke the silence in a monotone voice. He looked at me with raised eyebrows so I continued, "I met my mother for the first time since she left."

His eyebrows wrinkled in confusion, but once he understood, his eyes got wide. I laughed a little at his expression.

"She's here?" He asked, trying to make sure he understood. I nodded in reply, and then the doors burst open.

"Speak of the devil." I said when I saw her walking towards us.

I Made It (Legolas love story) *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now