Chapter 22

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"Lord Elrond! It has been far too long." My mother greeted. I tried to swallow the bile that rose in the back of my throat. She curtsied towards him, Thranduil, and Legolas. She gave me a sympathetic smile. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sure your journey was long, why don't we allow you and Amanda to rest?" Legolas chimed in after a few seconds of silence.

"Great idea. I'm going to go now." I grabbed Amanda's hand and began walking away, but was stopped by my mother's voice. "I don't think I've been introduced to your friend, Riley."

"Fine." I turned with Amanda's wrist still in my grasp, "Amanda, meet the woman who left me. Mother, meet my best friend. Good, that's done, let's go." Amanda gave a genuine wave and then allowed me to drag her out of the room.

"Riley you're being childish." Elrond scolded me the next morning. I walked around the garden, trying my best to ignore him. "Riley." He warned.

"I'm being childish because I am a child! I am young and stupid and reckless and stubborn and I like it that way!" I stomped out of the garden, leaving a tired Elrond in my wake. Legolas walked up behind me and grabbed my swinging hand, holding it tightly in his own.

"Hey leaf." I greeted in a voice almost as tired as Elrond's.

"You seem tired." He pointed out. I let out a laugh, "A little." I replied. He walked a few paces ahead of me, and I let him pull me to wherever he desired. We ended up in his room, and I raised my eyebrows at him.

"What are we doing in here?" He smiled at my confused face.

"Resting" He said shortly, picking me up by the waist and tossing me on the bed. A surprised gasp left my mouth as I hit the soft surface. He followed suit, and jumped onto the bed next to me. "Aren't you supposed to be really old and mature, not young and childish?" I asked, watching him slowly still.

"I am not very old." He scoffed, "I am young for an elf."

"Yes, but you're old enough to be my ancestor." I reminded him with a smirk.

"Possibly, but would your ancestor be able to do this?" He rolled on top of me, hovering by his hands by my face.

"I suppose not." I laughed, and then pulled his neck down so his lips would meet mine. His strawberry wine lips helped me forget the troubles of my life outside this room. I didn't allow myself to let my thoughts wander far, because I knew they would end up at the woman who gave birth to me.

Our lips left each other and he fell back onto his side of the bed. I snuggled into his chest, running my fingers over his tunic in random patterns. "What was your mother like?" I whispered. He let out a soft sigh before answering. I could feel his heart rate pick up speed.

"She was the most beautiful and caring elleth I knew. Her voice was the most adored in our entire kin, and her smile was contagious to whoever saw it. She was sweet and gentle, but had a firm hand when it was needed. Our people loved her as if she were their own mother; she had that affect on people. She was the wisest person I knew."

We stayed silent for a few minutes, until I spoke up, "She sounds wonderful."

"She was." He replied. I was curious as to what happened to her, it never mentioned in the books who she was or her story.

"You know, my father was not always as cold hearted as everyone thinks he is." He commented.

"How so?" I asked lightly, wanting to hear more.

"He was the most loving king our realm had ever seen. He seemed to know how to solve everything, and avoided battle at all costs. We all looked up to him, but he never looked down on anyone. Everyone was treated as an equal. He didn't believe in titles; he said everyone was important." He explained.

"What happened?" I wondered aloud.

"My mother was killed by orcs, saving a family of dwarves. The dwarves survived, but she didn't." His voice got a little higher, "My father turned cold after that. He shut everyone, including me, out. He pretends he doesn't care, but I've known him long enough to see through his act."

I let him breathe for a minute before replying, "He does care. I can see it in the way he looks at you. You're his son, and he is so proud of you. Just like your mother would be." I could feel the wet substance hit the top of my head as he cried. I pulled myself closer to him and held him tight. His grasp around me tightened as well, and we sat there in silence.

"I love you." He mumbled into my hair as he kissed the top of my head.

"I love you, too." The words felt so natural coming from lips when they were directed at Legolas. I sighed in content and snuggled further into his side. My eyes stared blankly out the open window. His breathing was slow and steady underneath me, and I lifted my head off his chest and looked at his sleeping face.

There were tear stains on his cheeks below his closed eyes. His mouth was open slightly, and his breath was soft and noiseless. I frowned at the tear tracks that ran down his otherwise clear skin. My fingers lightly traced his features. I stretched as far as I was able to without waking him and placed a small kiss on his forehead.

"I love you too much for you to be sad, Leaf. Please be happy." I lowered myself down, and placed my ear over his beating heart.

Thump. Thump. Thump. In that moment, I realized how lucky I was to be given a second chance with my mother, and how many people out there can only wish they had one last talk with their mother. I realized how selfish I was being for ignoring her and making her feel like complete and utter shit. Probably more than she already felt before I said it.

It was my turn to cry. "I'm so sorry." I whispered, my voice hoarse and full of regret. I shut my eyes as tight as I could; attempting to get rid of the nagging feeling in my head to disappear. My stomach churned uncomfortably, and my fingers began to shake.

Breathing became harder as my throat felt as if it were closing in on itself. It took one raggedy breath for Legolas to shoot up into a sitting position, causing me to fall over slightly. "What's wrong?" His voice was soothing as one hand gripped around my waist and the other combed through my hair.

"Panic attack" I choked out. My eyelids began to feel heavy and my head started spinning.

"Riley, stay awake. Stay with me, Riley! Don't fall asleep." His voice began to get fainter and fainter as I let the ever-so-welcoming darkness take me.

I Made It (Legolas love story) *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now