Chapter 10

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We walk back to the courtyard where the council was held and only a few people are here. Elrond, Amanda, and Gandalf happen to be some of them.

"I am so sorry." Amanda says, as she runs up to me and hugs me.

"It's ok, I overreacted. It was a stupid thing to do. I'm sorry I made you feel like crap." I replied, hugging her tighter.

"I always feel like crap. There's nothing you need to apologize for." We let go of each other and laugh.

"Take these on your journey. I do not wish you to be unprotected if something is to happen. Use them well." Lord Elrond says to me and Amanda. An elf steps up beside him with two swords in his hands. I gasp slightly, they're incredible. I pick one up and see it has carvings and ancient runes on the blade. It's unlike a normal sword as it curves in two spots. I run my finger down blade to see how sharp it is. My finger is sliced slightly and I'm intrigued by it. I barely touched it and it punctured my skin.

"It's definitely sharp. Thank you so much, Lord Elrond. They are amazing." I say as I wipe my finger on my tunic.

"Try not to harm yourselves. They are very dangerous weapons, but very helpful." He says, looking at my finger.

More people pile around and the fellowship has everyone's full attention. Elrond says a few words about our journey, but I'm not really paying attention. I'm thinking about what happens first in the movies.

Frodo turns and begins to walk out the doors of Rivendell with Gandalf behind him. The fellowship follows, but I turn around to look at Elrond one more time. I always adored Elrond because he was such a great father to Arwen, and I never had that. Before I know exactly what I'm doing, I run up to Elrond and wrap my arms around his neck.

"Thank you." I whisper. He hugs me back briefly, not really used to physical contact I'm guessing. He smiles politely and nods. I spin back around and follow Amanda.

"Mordor Gandalf, is it left or right?" Frodo asks. I smile as Gandalf replies, "left". This is gonna be fun.

* * * * *

We traveled for hours, crossing plains of open fields and little farms, desert like spots, rocks, streams, and even a small mountain. I thought we covered a lot of ground, but the journey had just begun. My legs ached and my lungs screamed. I thought I was about to pass out from lack of water as Gandalf shouted, "We shall rest here for the night."

I gratefully sat down on a boulder and looked at everyone. Boromir was teaching Merry and Pippin how to use a sword, while Aragorn watched with a pipe and a smile. Sam and Frodo were sitting next to a fire, cooking some meat. Legolas was standing on a rock and looking out into the distance.

"If you were to ask me of my opinion, I would say we are going the long way round. Gandalf, we can pass through the Mines of Moria. My cousin, Balin, would give us a royal welcome!" Gimli stated.

Gandalf looked at Gimli and replied as nicely as he could, "No Gimli, I would not take the road through Moria unless I had no other choice." Well, his tone seemed like he was going to be nice.

"Ow!" I turned towards Pippin who was holding his hand and sending daggers at Boromir. Before Boromir could react, Pippin dropped his mini blade and kicked Boromir's shin. He fell towards the ground and the hobbits tackled him, laughing.

"For the Shire!" One of them shouted.

Aragorn stood up and walked towards them, "Alright gentlemen, that's enough." But the hobbits weren't finished. They went after Aragorn instead, launching themselves at him and causing them all to tumble to the ground.

I Made It (Legolas love story) *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now