Chapter 14

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The stars are very bright out here in Middle-earth. Growing up in the whole suburban atmosphere with streetlights every 10 yards away from each other caused the night to be dim and always look clouded. Out here the stars are bright and alive and seem to dance across the sky as they sparkle.

My hands are crossed behind my head, my knees are bent and my back is against the cool rock. I'm not tired, actually I'm the complete opposite: I'm wide awake and alert to every little sound that I hear. The moon rises and soon begins to fall in what seems to be a matter of thirty minutes, but I know from all the science classes I was forced to take I laid under the night sky for much longer than just half an hour.

The first ray of sun shines in what I'm assuming is the east. The orange glow is like a slap in the face since I had adapted to the darkness. I sit up quickly and rest my arms on my still bent knees and my head in between them. Taking another chance at looking into the brightness, I sneak a peek through my arm and thigh. It seems I can take the light better and I pick my head up completely again.

I look to the other side of me to see where the other two were still fast asleep. Amanda had her head under the blanket and Elrond-not surprisingly- was facing the sky with one hand placed on top of the other, both sitting on his stomach over the blanket. They're still in the shadow of the rock I'm sitting on; completely oblivious to the breathtaking sunrise happening just barely out of their range.

I stand up and slide as quietly as I can down the boulder and head over to them. Apparently what I thought was practically silent was loud to Elrond because he sat up and looked around franticly, searching for the source of the noise. His eyes finally notice me walking slowly towards him and he squints from the light that's shining brightly in his eyes.

I awkwardly stand above him as his face hits realization that its morning and I let them sleep throughout the entire night instead of waking them up to change shifts.

"You were supposed to wake one of us when you got tired." He scolds. I look down at my hands and fiddle with them for a second before answering.

"I didn't get tired."

He huffs in obvious annoyance, but doesn't say anything more. I head over to Amanda who had somehow wrapped herself into a giant burrito sometime in the night. I laugh and try to get Elrond's attention.

"Psssssst!" I shout in what I hope is a little bit of a whisper. He looks over at me and raises an eyebrow curiously. I move my hand in a circular motion trying to tell him to come over to me. His shoulders rise and fall as he takes a deep breath and walks swiftly over to me. I enter some sort of daze as I watch him pretty much glide over to me with the orange glow of the sun behind him.

He clears his throat and I blink a few times and realize I was staring at him in adoration. My face goes bright red and I gesture to Amanda.

"Help me fling her out of her cocoon. I'm not strong enough to do it on my own." I don't wait for his response and crouch down, grabbing the side of the blanket that's underneath her. His actions imitate mine and I count to three. "One. Two. Three!"

On three we both pull as hard as we-well I- can. Amanda rolls out of the blanket like a barrel rolling down a hill. I howl with laughter and fall on my back, hands wrenching my stomach to try and stop the pain it's in from laughing so hard.

My laughter dies down and I look over at Amanda who looks really confused and mad. Her face sends me into another wild laughing fit and I clutch my stomach again because it hurts so badly.

"Bitch." She mutters and flips me off once she stands up again. I smile sweetly and blow her a kiss. "Love you!" I coo.

"And you! I thought we were cool?!" She confronts Elrond. He struggles to keep a straight face and Amanda throws her hands up.

I Made It (Legolas love story) *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now