Chapter 26

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Legolas and I sat in a tangle of limbs on the cold, wooden floor. I was only partially on his lap, my legs lay outstretched to his side. My fingers absentmindedly played with the ends of his hair, my head resting on his shoulder. He rubbed gentle circles with his thumb on my waist while we waited for any word at all on Amanda. She could be in critical condition, taking her last breaths, or waking up. I had no way of knowing, and I hated it.

"What's going to happen if she doesn't make it?" I asked, no longer able to keep my thoughts to myself.

"Don't think like that. Amanda is strong, you know that better than anyone. Don't give up on her so easily." He lectured.

"Seriously Legolas, I need to talk about this. She's all I have left from my past. Well, there's my mom, but Amanda was the only part of my past I want to remember. She was my anchor when everything happened with my dad. I don't want to lose her, but I need you to tell me everything is going to be okay if I do." I ranted. His finger under my chin forced me to look at him.

"Only you possess the power to make everything okay if she doesn't make it. You will control your actions, and only you. I will be there every step, but I won't be able to force you to do anything you don't want to." He took a deep breath, then continued, "If Amanda doesn't make it, you will have two choices. You can either choose to live in the past, or you can move on, and remember her for the rest of eternity. At one point, she will die. It could be of old age, or she could grow ill, but no matter what she will die, and you will live on. It may not be easy, but with the right people at your side, you will make it through. And that's all that Amanda would want from you: to live your life. Even if she's not there the entire time."

I stared deeply into his eyes. They sparkled in the candle light of the hallway. "You're going to be with me the entire time?" I asked with hope. He smiled at me, "I wouldn't want to be anywhere else, Little Light." I lightly placed my hand on his cheek and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. "I love you. You know that right?" I asked, and embraced him tightly. "I know, melamin, I know."

The door behind us opened, and I heard a familiar voice, "Oh, should I come back in few minutes?" I could hear the smirk on my mom's face. I ignored her comment, and scrambled to my feet, grabbing Legolas' hand, and squeezing it tightly. "How is she?" I asked. Her smirk was replaced with a soft smile, "We're hoping she'll make a full recovery." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, and visibly relaxed.

"Is she awake?" I asked. 

"If she isn't now, she will be shortly." She replied happily. I turned to Legolas, "She's going to be okay." I told him giddily. "She is." He replied. I dragged him with me into her room. Her figure lay peacefully under the covers of her bed, the only flaws were the bruises and cuts that covered her frail frame. I stood at the end of her bed, watching as she stirred slightly.

"She will need her rest, even if she was not awake for long." Elrond directed his order towards me more than anyone else. "Of course." I muttered in response. I was just happy she was going to be awake.

"And she will be in a severe amount of pain for the next few weeks. I don't know how long it will take for her to fully heal, but it will take time." He continued. I nodded in understanding. "There is one other thing." He paused, and I looked towards him in question, but Amanda spoke up before he could.

"Where am I?" She looked around the room groggily, eyes squinted and nose scrunched in concentration.

"You're in your room. You had an accident." I told her. She looked at me in confusion, and then she looked at everyone else in the room with wide eyes, as if she was lost.

"W-who are you all? H-how did I get here?" She asked, frantically searching around the room and gripping at the sheets as if her life depended on it. "Why does everything hurt? I-I don't understand. What's going on?"

My own eyes widened in alarm. "Amanda, it's Riley. You don't remember me?" I asked, tears now flowing freely down my face. She looked at me once more, and shook her head violently. Elrond handed her a small glass of a deep purple liquid. "Drink this, you'll feel better after." He ordered. She took it greedily, and swallowed it in one gulp. He took the glass from her hand, and her eyes drifted closed as she fell back asleep. He motioned for us all to leave the room. 

"Why can't she remember anything?" I asked as soon as he shut the door behind us.

"She went through a traumatic accident, and suffered major head injuries. It is probably too much for her mind to process right now, she will remember when she is ready to." He answered calmly. "You must not rush her or give her too much information, or she might not ever be able to recover. We should let her rest for a few days. Give her a little time to try and understand what is happening to her. She's scared and confused, and the two do not mix well together. She needs time. Nothing else will help." 

I hid my face in Legolas' chest, trying to breath as normally as I could. She'll remember. She just needs a few days to herself. That's all, a few days. Then everything will be back to normal. No matter how much I convinced myself she would be fine, the tears wouldn't stop, and neither would the negative thoughts.

I heard the rest of them talking, and then Legolas began to blindly guide me somewhere else. When I faced forward enough to see where we were going, I saw the doors to his room and suddenly I became overwhelmed with exhaustion. My feet dragged to the edge of the bed, and I slowly climbed under the covers. Legolas walked around the bed, to his side, and pulled me to his chest once comfortable.

"How are you doing?" He asked quietly. The shadows cast from the trees outside and the bright moon danced on the blankets as the wind blew, and I watched them for a moment instead of answering his question.

"I'm tired. I'm so tired, but my mind is racing and I all I can think about is ways I could have stopped her from going out into the woods earlier. I could have saved her from all that pain. I could have saved me from all these terrible thoughts. I could have saved you from worrying so much about me as I worried about her. I could have prevented this all, but I didn't." He hugged me closer to his body, and I closed my eyes as tight as they would go so I wouldn't cry. I have shed too many tears today.

"That's normal. To think of all the things you could have said or done that would have produced a different outcome. I did it when my mother died. I realize now that nothing I could have tried would have stopped her from doing what she did. No matter what, the story would have ended the same. That is how it is, how it has always been, and how it always will be. You have to stop thinking like that, or you will drive yourself insane thinking about what could have happened rather than what did. There is no point to linger in the past. Focus on the future, and the promise it holds. It helps, I know it may seem unlikely, but it is true."

"When did you become so wise?" I sighed, knowing his advice would help. 

"I've lived a long time, Little Light. Now get some sleep. Your heart is racing." He kissed my forehead, and my mind allowed me to drift into an uneasy sleep.

I Made It (Legolas love story) *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now