Chapter 2~

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I'm dead. That's it. It was all a dream, and my dad had really killed me like he always said he would.

I can hear angels singing, I know it. They're playing the harp and welcoming me to death in some strange language that I don't know.

There is only one flaw in my theory: I don't remember dying.

I remember being in the forest and climbing the tree. Then I came down, Amanda was missing, and I started having a panic attack. After that, I was ambushed by... elves? That can't be right.

There's only one way to figure out if I'm dead, if it was all just a dream, or if that actually happened. If I open my eyes, all my questions will be answered. Deep breath.

I open my eyes. Everything is blurry and bright. I whince and rub my hands against my face, massaging my temples in an attempt to soothe the growing headache. I sit up, but have to take more deep breaths to remove the lightheaded and dizziness.

"Bad plan," I scold to myself, pushing into my skull harder to get rid of the pain. But I wasn't alone. I could feel their eyes on me, and almost hear their soft exhales of oxygen.

I glance around the room, my eyes landing on the man, or I suppose I should say elf. The air was tense, and held a thick layer of awkwardness. I bit my lip anxiously, looking anywhere but at him. Then I think of her, Amanda.

"Where is the other girl?" His eyes widen slightly in shock, as if no one has ever spoken to him in such a harsh tone. I can't help but sag my shoulders guiltily, and apologize. "I'm sorry, but she's sort of all I have."

"I understand." It's the first time he's spoken, and I finally gain enough courage to look at him. His transparent blue eyes are staring at me, scrutinizing my every move. I shift uncomfortably.

"You will see her at lunch. It is to be served in an hour, and the king would like you both to attend." He began to head towards the door. "A maid will arive momentarily."

"And if I refuse to attend?" I ask curiously. I've read about King Thranduil, and I'm not completely sure if I want to share a meal with him.

"Then you must not wish to see your friend as much as you say." He replied before shutting the door behind him as he disappeared.

The view is breathtaking. I can see for miles and miles above the trees. There are mountains in the distance and a river cutting through the forest. The sun is shining brightly and the sweet chippering of birds echo around the room.

A light knock sounds through the door, and I call back, telling them to come in. "I am here to give you your cleansing supplies, my lady." A thin maid walks in, scuttling around as she places a bowl, a pitcher of water, a towel, and a mirror on a nightstand opposite of my bed.

"I also brought you a dress to change into. The King has requested you for lunch. It will be served in an hour." I nodded my head in thanks, not wishing to embarrass her by saying I had already known the information she gave me. She hurriedly walked out of the room after placing the dress on the bed. I quickly picked up the mirror and glared at my reflection. My cheeks were still puffy from crying and I had dark circles under my eyes even though I had just woken up.

I grabbed the towel and wet a corner, beginning to wipe away the tear stains. Once they were completely gone, I searched for a brush, but was left disappointed to see they hadn't left one. My fingers ran through the knots in my hair, making it somewhat presentable. When it was as tame as it would get, I took in the beauty of the dress. It was a light blue with lace sleeves and a silver waistband. I stripped off my own clothing and flung them to the corner. Once the dress was on, I figured it best to make my way to the dining room seeing as I had no idea where it was.

I walked out into the hallway and decided to go right. I wandered around attempting to catch the scent of cooking and follow it. In the end it worked, only making a few wrong turns here and there. I made my way to the large, rectangle table, only to see that I was the only one there. I sat there and examined my nails before I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Shit." They mumbled. My body relaxed in relief.

"There you are!" I smiled and jumped out of my chair, running and hugging her tightly.

"I thought you left me when I climbed the tree." I accused her half-heartedly.

"So that's where you went. Either way, none of that matters. What does matter is where we are." She tried to whisper, but it echoed off the wooden walls and alerted a few elves passing by. She was just as confused about our whereabouts as I was.

"Nothing is making sense." I replied in an equally loud voice.

"Maybe we're dead." She tried and I laughed a little, needing the light comment.

"I don't think we're dead, but I have no idea where we are, or what is going on."

"You are in my kingdom, widely known as Mirkwood." A deep voice rumbled from behind us. We turned in synchronization and looked at who I am assuming is King Thranduil. His facial expression was hard and he looked like a statue staring down at us.

"Sit." He ordered. I didn't even think of disobeying him, so I sat. Legolas entered at that moment and bowed slightly to his father, then took a seat across the side me and Amanda.

"How did you come to enter my kingdom?" Thranduil asked. I gave Amanda a look and she turned pale, staring down at the table. She's always been shy with strangers. I was the first person she had ever initiated a friendship with, apparently. Her parents wanted her to be more social, and I guess she chose me to befriend first.

"We aren't really sure, sire. In all honesty, we did not know where we were, and are still quite confused." I tried to say as well as I could in their way of speaking. The king stared at us without seeing us, his eyes slightly glazed over. He was about to speak once more before the food was served and he seemingly changed his mind.

"Why didn't you put us in the dungeons?" I asked as a chance to avoid the silence. Legolas answered my question, surprising all of us.

"You seemed harmless and both of you were very scared. We did not have it in our hearts to place you in the dungeons, so we kept you in rooms under constant surveilance." My mouth was agape and I stared at him. He returned the stare and I quickly shut my mouth and could feel the blush on my cheeks. I looked at my food and moved it around the plate with my fork. I wasn't hungry anymore.

Amanda kicked me under the table and sent me a look I couldn't decipher. She was obviously trying to tell me something, but my head was pounding so hard, I couldn't concentrate. "I'm sorry, I can't understand a single thing you are trying to tell me." Her eyes widened and her entire face turned red.

Thranduil stood suddenly, followed by Legolas, and I had the feeling we were supposed to stand as well, so I did. Amanda immediately followed suit and we were all standing around the table.

"I have duties I must encounter. Legolas, please show our guests around the palace in case they are to need anything, they will know where to look." With that, the king turned and walked out of the dining hall.

"Follow me." Legolas said. Amanda and I followed as he gave us a tour of his home.

We were sent back to our own rooms, but I went to Amanda's so we could talk about everything happening. I have no idea how we are supposed to get home or what we're even supposed to do.

"We could just stay here and become a part of the Woodland elves kin." Amanda suggested wiggling her eyebrows.

"Yeah that'd work out great. Other than the fact that they're going to send us to a nonexistent home when we are ready. They won't want two human girls in their realm." I said with a sad voice. It'd be great to stay, but we don't belong here and we all know it.

I Made It (Legolas love story) *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now