Chapter 15

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“Riley, you have to wake up. It is not healthy to lie in bed all day.” Elrond was trying to convince me to get up and go outside. Somehow when I arrived depression followed me and I got captured in its horrid dungeon. I haven’t gotten up in 6 days and I rarely eat. Last night’s dinner is still sitting on the nightstand next to the bed, untouched.

“I don’t want to get up. Can’t you guys just leave me alone?” Legolas hasn’t written or sent someone to tell me how he is and it’s driving me crazier and crazier every day. I feel alone and constantly worried because of it.

“We are not going to leave you alone unless you get up and do something.” He said. I rolled my eyes and sat up for the first time since I got here. It made me dizzy and I had to cover my face with my hands and wait till it the feeling passed. Tearing the covers off of me, I stood and walked to the mirror. My hair was tangled and looked as if it was turning gray, dark circles surround my eyes, I was paler than I had ever been, my lips were chapped and cracking, the normal shine in my eyes was gone and replaced by a dull layer of light blue. It was as if I were looking in the mirror and seeing someone else’s reflection.

Being in bed for days did not mean I was asleep. In fact, sleeping rarely occurred. Every time my eyelids closed I would see images of a dead Legolas in front of me, or I would be forced to watch Gandalf fall all over again, sometimes I would even imagine the others dying n some ruthless way. It wasn’t something I wanted to look at, so I would lie there in silence, thinking about nothing and everything at the same time.

Elrond’s reflection stood in the background, turning I met his worried gaze with my unresponsive one.

“Happy?” I asked in a voice that sounded nothing like my own.

“Get dressed and meet me and Amanda in the garden. We are going to have breakfast.” It wasn’t a suggestion. He shut the door behind him while I walked over to the wardrobe and opened it to find a numerous amount of dresses. I didn’t feel like wearing a dress, so I kept on the blue hoodie I stole from Amanda that had superman’s symbol in the middle. It’s the shirt she wore when we walked into the forest.

I pulled on a pair of black leggings after taking off the ones I had cut to turn them into shorts. I grabbed my vans that were messily thrown beside the wardrobe and put them on. My hair was a mess that I didn’t feel I had enough energy or patience to try and fix, so I made it into a very messy bun then headed slowly to the door.

The hallways were empty and silent. The echo of my shoes hitting the ground with every step I made seemed to be louder than a hundred fireworks being set off at the same time. I didn’t meet anyone on the way to the garden. Maybe Elrond told them all to stay clear of my path.

When I entered through the hedges I saw a decently sized table made of wood placed in the middle of all the flowers. Bird baths were scattered randomly along with a few benches. I was the last to arrive at the table set for three. Awkwardly pulling out the chair, I sat not looking either people in the eye.

“You look like shit.” Amanda broke the silence that lingered in the air.

“You sure know how to flatter someone.” I commented. Now that I actually looked at her she looked almost as bad as me. She was skinnier and her eyes also had dark circles under them. Her usual glow was gone and replaced with grief and anxiety. Her normal auburn hair was a dull brown instead. Was that because of me?

She laughed at my sarcasm and took a bite of her eggs. I picked up my fork and moved my own food around on the plate.

“You should eat.” Elrond spoke up. I looked at him and noticed his untouched food. He was slouched in his chair with his hand supporting his head. He seemed tired, but nowhere near as bad as me or Amanda.

I Made It (Legolas love story) *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now