Chapter 5~

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The trip to Rivendell wasn't as long as I would have thought. It was only a few days, and nothing exciting happened. There were no spiders in the forest of Mirkwood, no goblin interactions, and no running into a pack of orcs. Honestly, I was a little disappointed about it. I mean sure, I'm happy we're safe and all, but I was hoping for a little thrill. Maybe it just hasn't really been bad in Middle-earth. Maybe they already destroyed the ring and that's why everything is so peaceful. I was thinking of asking Legolas about it but what would I do if it hasn't happened yet? I couldn't just brush it off. It'd cause too much of a hassle.

I never thought of a solution to the whole Elrond problem. Eh, I'll wing it. I've never thought that and actually succeeded in doing what I hoped. Then again, I don't really know what I'm looking to accomplish here. I guess I kind of want to return home, but not badly. I want to go back for school, yeah call me a nerd because I actually enjoy learning. My home life is horrible so I definitely want to leave that. Maybe you'll understand what I'm talking about soon. As of now, I should probably go back to reality.

We rode fast and hard the entire journey except for a few breaks to eat and rest. Now we stand before the house of Lord Elrond. It's absolutely breathtaking. It's everything the books and movies make it out to be and more. The birds chirp happily as the leaves fall and seem to disappear as more fall in their place.

Elves that can't be seen, for they are hiding away in trees or along cliffs, sing songs of joy and love. They even sang about Legolas on the way to Elrond's house which sent me and Amanda into a fit of hysterics. Legolas glared in the beginning, but soon came around and was laughing as much as we were. Soon the hidden elves laughed along with us, or possibly at us... I don't think I ever will know, but I don't mind.

By the time we got to our destination Lindir was walking down the famous stone steps. It's as if I'm watching the hobbit all over again. Lindir puts his hand to his chest then brings it out, welcoming us in a friendly manner. I hold in my squeal as he looks from Legolas, to me, then to Amanda. I give Amanda a look of bewilderment that she returns. I turn my head as Lindir speaks.

"Welcome to the House of Elrond. My lord sends his apologies. He is in the middle of a very important meeting with Gandalf the Grey. He wishes me to offer you food and a roof after your long journey, Son of Thranduil."

"We greatly appreciate your humble offering. Please, lead the way." Legolas replies and dismounts his horse. I do the same and whisper my thanks to Rochael. He neighs in content and walks to the stables with the other horses for rest and food. I smile after them and turn to follow Lindir up the stairs.

He shows us each to our bedroom and invites us to dinner after we freshen up. I accept immediately because I probably reek and my hair is most likely a mess. I need a shower. When I enter my room it is completely different than the room I stayed in at Mirkwood. This room is made from a cream colored stone or marble, I'm not sure which. It has extraordinary detail in the markings on the columns that line the walls. There is no balcony, but a great window with see through curtains. I'm not sure what the purpose is in them, but they are magnificent nonetheless.

I look to my right to see a door. I open it and find a bathroom lined with the same columns outlining the small room. There is a bath full of steaming water and blood red flower pedals. I strip off my tunic and leggings and sit in the hot water. The warmth soothes my tense muscles and I sit there for a few minutes just enjoying the heat until I remember I am supposed to join them for dinner. I grab the liquid I assume is body wash and scrub the dirt from my skin. Next I get another bottle which I really hope is shampoo and massage my scalp. I let out an involuntary hum as the shampoo does its work. It feels good to be clean again.

Once I am rinsed off, I grab the white, fluffy towel that was placed on a bar next to the tub. I dry myself as best I can and leave my hair wet. I go to the wardrobe and place each dress I was given into the spot I believe it's supposed to go in. I pull out one that is a peach color and decide to wear it. I grab my still wet hair and place it to the side of my head and form it into a simple side braid. I nod at my reflection and follow the scent of homemade bread to the dining hall.

This dining hall is different from the one in Mirkwood, too. It's more open and elves are to the side playing music beautifully on classical instruments like I've never heard before. Anytime I listen to classical music I get bored of it easily, but this is different. I feel like I can't get enough. Strange.

Legolas walks in next wearing a silver robe type thing that I don't know the name of. It makes his hair look lighter and his eyes a deeper shade of blue, but I like him better in his other attire. It looks more like him, like a warrior without armor.

He smiles at me and I return one. He points to the table and I nod. He pulls out my chair and I thank him with a pink tint on my cheeks. Luckily he doesn't notice because at that time Amanda walks in with her hair in a fishtail braid to the side and a flower crown of daisies placed on her head. I laugh, "Hippie" I cough with a smirk. She only winks and walks to the opposite side of me at the table and takes a seat.

The music continues and for a short while that's the only noise to be heard. I gaze outside the window going out of focus and just staring at the waterfall, wondering what it would be like to be a fish. My thoughts are soon interrupted as Lord Elrond himself walks in apologizing for making everyone wait.

"I assure you it was no trouble." Legolas says. He always seems to know what to say. Or maybe I just think that because I always say the wrong thing when talking to someone about anything really.

"I know you have come to ask for my aid. Your father had a message sent to me before your arrival telling me of the obstacle you have encountered. I can help you with the help of the wizard, Gandalf, and luck seems to be on your side. He is here to stay for a while on business I'm afraid I cannot speak of." Elrond says as he looks over me and Amanda. I self-consciously straiten my back and put my arms over my stomach to block it from everyone's view.

Lord Elrond seems to notice, but doesn't say anything which I am thankful for. It became a force of habit when I was really insecure of every body part I seemed to have. Amanda helped me become more confident in my appearance over the years, but I still get insecure and have a few habits I can't break. I'm a lot better than I was before, though, and that makes me feel better.

Servants bring out plates and plates of salads and fruits and vegetables. There doesn't seem to be any meat, but I love salad. I grab a roll and a few forkfuls of lettuce then place a few different fruits on top of it. There is small talk between Elrond and Legolas, but other than that the only noise is still the music.

We finish eating soon enough and more servants come to take our now empty plates. I thank them and they smile sweetly in return then head off towards what I'm assuming is the kitchen.

"I believe now would be a good time to begin the process of gaining back the memory of your homelands." Elrond offers as he stands.

"I agree." Amanda and I say in unison. We look at each other and begin to laugh.

"Great minds think alike." I tell her with a wink.

"Then why would yours be thinking the same as mine?" she asks with an innocent grin. I can't help the sarcastic gasp that leaves my lips. "How rude!" I say in a voice like Stephanie's from the TV show Full House. We both laugh again and Legolas even chuckles a little while Elrond stands there with a smile on his face.

"Follow me, if you will." Elrond says and begins to walk down a corridor behind the chair he previously sat in.

"Let the fun begin." I say as I loop my arm with Amanda's as we walk behind Elrond, Legolas following us. I had a smile on my face, but on the inside I was dying. What the hell am I supposed to do?!

I Made It (Legolas love story) *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now