Chapter 3~

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We couldn't stay here no matter how much we wanted to, but a girl could dream, right?

Amanda was sitting against the headboard of her bed picking her nails when I had a thought. "What did you do with your phone?" I asked. Her eyes widened immediately and she jumped off the bed. She ran to a corner, which I'm guessing she threw her clothes to, and squealed. That could only mean one thing: she found it.

She literally galloped to the bed and tossed me her white IPhone 4s. I turned it on and my shoulders dropped once I examined it. It still had some battery left, but had no service. "You have got to be kidding me" I mumbled under my breath. She gave me a questioning look and I showed her the no service banner at the top of the phone.

She groaned and fell backwards on the bed, banging her head. I laughed louder than I had all day and she flipped me off, causing me to laugh more. She stood abruptly and stumbled a bit. I held onto her elbow so she could stand up straight.

"Let's go get you some ice, idiot." I led her to her door and opened it, only half remembering the way to the kitchen I started walking the direction I thought was right. My instinct was correct and we ended up in the kitchen. I awkwardly coughed to get one of the chef's attention and they all looked at me expectantly.

"Uhh my friend hit her head, do you have any ice or something cold?" One chef nodded and walked to a closet that I'm guessing was used as some sort of middle-earth-freezer. They came back with a chunk of ice and I smiled in thanks.

I took Amanda back to her bedroom to let her get some rest because she had a headache. I wasn't in the mood to sit around and watch her sleep so I decided to go to the garden, which I actually remembered how to get to. I walked down the passage that would lead me outside and turned left. I entered under an amazing archway made of red roses and walked to a bench of stone. I sat and looked at the birds flying around and hummed Count on Me by Bruno Mars, one of my all-time favorite songs. My hums soon turned to words as I sang the song quietly to myself, until I was startled by a curious voice behind me.

"I've never heard that song before." Legolas was standing beside a bush of flowers I was sure we didn't have back home.

"It's not necessarily a popular song." I'm not a good liar, and I could tell he knew that something was off.

"I have been around for quite a long time. There are few songs I do not know." My mind raced as I tried to come up with something, anything that would be a realistic reason that he wouldn't know it. But my bland imagination came up with nothing, so I simply shrugged my shoulders and avoided meeting his eyes. We sat in silence for quite some time before my skin began to crawl from the tense air.

"Well, I better be off. I need to check on Amanda, she hit her head an-"

"Is she okay?" he interrupted.

"Yeah, she'll be fine. She's just clumsy is all." He nodded saying he understood. I got up and he stood with me. "I will accompany you." I didn't know what else to do, so I nodded and went to her room. Neither one of us spoke, but it wasn't as awkward as it could have been. We got there and I opened the door as quietly as I could and entered with Legolas at my heels. There was a great heap of blanket on her bed and a slight snore coming from it, telling us she was fast asleep. I sighed, knowing my excuse to get away from Legolas and this awkward atmosphere wasn't going to work. I motioned to the door with my hands and he led the way out.

"What do you do when you get have nothing to do?" I quizzed, needing something to talk to him about to keep the silence away.

"I like to practice my archery as well as other fighting skills, walk around the village, go to the library, things of that sort." I knew where I wanted to go as soon as he said the words.

"Can we go to the library?" I asked. I grabbed his upper arm in my excitement and had a huge smile on my face. I probably looked crazy, but he didn't seem fazed by my touch and nodded with a smile of his own. I followed him to the library. When he opened the double doors, my mouth dropped and I walked in slowly. My face must have shown my awe because he laughed and said, "I'm guessing you enjoy reading?" I could only move my head and gaze around the room.

"I recommend this book. It's my favorite." He walked to one shelf and pulled out an old and tattered book that had obviously been read countless times. I took it carefully into my hands and read the cover "Kuleena e' i' moory" I attempted to read it. Legolas laughed and shook his head.

" 'kalina e' i' mori'. In your language it means a light in the dark." My face turned scarlet and I looked at my feet. I was wearing my vans underneath this dress. I probably wasn't supposed to do that, but oh well.

"Can you read it to me? I can't read elvish." I smiled sheepishly. He didn't seem to think anything of it so he walked to an armchair and pointed to the one across from him. I took a seat and pulled my legs beside me and leaned against the arm of the chair.

I wasn't sure what he was reading to me, or what was even going on in the story, but his voice was smooth and his voice glided over the words without stumbling a single time, and I couldn't help but feel at ease. I let my eyes drift shut as I listened to his story. I couldn't understand the words he spoke, but I couldn't help but feel happy or sad when he said a certain phrase or sentence. Maybe that was the art of elvish. It made you feel something even if you weren't sure what was being said.

With that thought lingering in my head, his voice began to fade and I fell into a dream of a little elf boy running through a cave in search of his mother, but she wasn't there.

I Made It (Legolas love story) *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now