Chapter 24

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I walked quietly down the steps to the winery, checking behind me every few minutes to make sure Elrond wasn’t following me. The steps were clear, so I continued to the bottom. Two elves sat at the table, playing cards and relaxing.

“King Thranduil has asked me to deliver him a glass of his finest wine.” I stated once I stood at the end of their table. Both of their heads turned towards me as I spoke, giving me and sharing unsure looks with each other.

“Well do you want to keep him waiting?” I asked. One of them stood and walked towards a lone barrel, grabbing a goblet on the way. He pulled the cork and we all watched in silence as it filled the cup. At last, he clogged the leak again and handed me the newly filled cup.

“Thank you.” I smiled as I took the full glass. I tried to hide my smirk as I walked back up the stairs, careful not to spill the substance. When I was out of sight, I downed my first gulp. God I missed alcohol.

I made my way to the kitchen to grab some food because I know for a fact that if I drink on an empty stomach, it will not stay down. My wine was not as weak as I thought it would be. I won’t get wasted, but I’ll probably get tipsy when it’s gone.

I wandered down the empty halls, taking a gulp every few steps or so. My path was soon cut off by a very cheerful Legolas practically skipping down the hall.

“Hey, baaabe.” I slurred a bit.

“Are you drunk?” Was his response.

“Psh no. I’m just a little tipsy is all.” I patted his shoulder and continued to the kitchen.

“I don’t think so, you’re coming with me.” He wrapped an arm around my waist.

“Ooh so demanding.” He started leading me away from the food, “Wait I’m hungry!” I protested.

“Fine: a quick snack.” He compromised. His hand was still on my waist, moving slightly with every step we took.

“I love you.” I laughed, “How did I get so lucky to have a handsome fella like you?” He only chuckled for a reply. I took another drink.

“What are you drinking, anyway?” He asked as he grabbed my cup.

“Hey I’m not finished yet!” I tried to grab for it, but he was too quick. Every time I tried to get it back, he would move it somewhere else, making it impossible to catch. I reached a little too far, and before I knew it I hit the ground with an ‘oof’.

“Are you alright?” He asked worriedly. I replied by laughing. I swear I have never laughed so hard in my life. Every time I tried to stop, it would only make it worse.

“What’s wrong with her?” A female voice asked from behind Legolas.

“Amanda! I haven’t seen you in hours!” I exclaimed, jumping up and hugging her.

“Whoa. How much have you drank? I can smell your breath from a foot away.” She waved her hand it front of her nose. I laughed and waved her off, continuing to the kitchen with my two best friends following close behind.

When I entered the odor made my stomach growl. My mom was sitting at the counter eating an apple. “Hello beautiful woman who gave birth to me.” I greeted, kissing her on the cheek and stealing her half-eaten apple, taking a bite.

“Are you drunk?” She asked in a shocked voice.

“Are you sober?” I mocked. She was about to reply, but was cut off by Elrond and Thranduil walking into the room, whispering.

“Whispers are for people who have something to hide.” I joked. Elrond looked at me for a minute, then let out a sigh.

“Didn’t I tell you not to drink?” He asked in a calm voice.

I Made It (Legolas love story) *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now