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I got my ice cream and we sat across from each other.

He starts eating it, i couldn't help but laugh at how cute he was. He looked up at me and smiled "what?"

"You're just so cute" I lick my ice cream.

"I know I am" he teases me. I roll my eyes and continue to eat me ice cream. He grabbed my other hand and rub his thumb on my knuckles.

"Serina?" I look up with my tongue still on the ice cream I hum a yes.

He laughed by the way I look. "I love you" I almost chocked on my ice cream.

It was the first time he said I love you. I just might throw up, okay I'm not but I could.

I snapped out of it and smiles at him. "Anthony I love you too" I lean over the table and kiss his soft, pink lips.

() present

"And that's all of them" Jake places my last luggage on the floor. I only had 3 not that much.

"Why did you want me to stay with you anyway?" He look at me and gives me a duh face.

"Because you're my sister, and you are probably why more fun than the girls here" he look at Tessa and Erika who were behind us.

We both turn around and start laughing "most likely, but they look fun."

"Yea sure" Jake says and leaves.

I walk out to the office, I had to stay in the twins room with max.

So we didn't really have a living room. "Hey" Erika says and looks up from her computer.

"Hi" I sit down next to her.

"Is that Serina?" Tessa gets up with her camera. I stand up quickly and jokingly start posing.

"Oh yes queen, do a twirl" Tessa says. I twirl and we both start laughing.

"I'm so excited you are staying here" Tessa perks up.

"I know" I smile big.

"Oh girls" Chance comes around the corner and comes to us.

He kisses Tessa's cheek he looks at me "want a kiss too?"

He was JOKING don't take it for real, when we were younger it's how we use to mess around with each other. It's not flirting I would never flirt with that kid.

"Please" I flutter my eyes.

Tessa and him laugh, which made me laugh as well.

"Well Anthony and I are going paint balling wanna come?" He ask Tessa and I.

"I'll go" I say.

"Maybe next time I got dance today" chance nods and kisses her cheek again.

"Come on, we leave ahora. Ha I learn Spanish everyday" he quickly laughed I followed behind him.

"Were you going?" Jake comes the garage.

"Paint balling with your sister" chance opens the front door.

"Hm okay" he left and I walked out the house.


I hid behind a big blue thingy.

I pointed the paint ball gun at someone and shot them. I hit them fright on the arm.

Hell yes!

They were out for the round. I ran to the other blue thing but someone was there.

"You mind sharing" I looked around the corner and back at the person.

"Nah" the person said.

"Ay watch out" the person pushed me onto a hay bail. The person landed on top of me.

I couldn't help but laugh a bit.

The person took his mask off and so did I. My eyes widen and I backed off when I realized who was on top of me.

"Anthony I didn't know it was you!" I sit on top of the hay bail.

"I didn't know you were coming" he says.

"Surprise" I say sarcasm in my voice.

"Nice shot I saw that one by the way" he winks and puts his helmet back on, going back in the game.

I smile I bit, and put mine back on getting back into the game.


I rubbed my arm in pain Chance shot me without nothing on, well nothing protecting my arm.

"Damn Chance" I groaned.

"Sorry I thought it was funny" all three walked in the house.

We all laughed, when I looked up Jake was crossing his arms.

"Hi?" I said confused.

"It's 12 a.m in the morning where were you!" Jake whisper yells.

"Listen dad, I was out with the boys, we played a few rounds of paint ball and then we got food and ice cream" I scoff.

"I don't want you out late anymore" Jake shakes his head and goes upstairs.

"Something up his ass" Anthony says.

"Most likely" I joke, not really.

"Well I'm going to shower, see you two in the morning" I smile and go to my room in the old living room.

I grab some clothes and run upstairs.

I shower and go back down laying down in bed. I was so tired. 


What should there ship name be?

Anthony and Serina = ???

Jakes Sister|| Anthony Trujillo Where stories live. Discover now