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I groaned and rubbed my head. I woke up with the massive headache. I rubbed my eyes and looked around.

"Morning Nathan" I yawn.

Wait hold on, NATHAN! I get up and stand up, it wasn't just him, Chad, Jake, Chance , Anthony and more were in the couch and everywhere around the house. I mean Anthony was on the table cuddling with Logans cut out board.

I don't remember anything or how I even got here or how I was laying on Nathan. This is all a blur I'm so lost.

I walk over to Anthony and shake him up. "Mom please" he groaned and flipped over but fell of the table.

"Stop!" He stood up quickly.

"Anthony your fine" I laugh a bit. He looks at me and rubs his head.

He looks around and looks shocked "what the hell happened last night?"

I shrug "I don't remember anything, I woke up next to," I stop myself because I don't want to get myself in any trouble "next to Jake on the couch."

He looks at Jake who was sleeping on the couch. "What's on your neck?" He puts his thumb under my neck.

I run my hand over my neck "I don't know, what?" I ask him.

"They look like hickey?" He inspected them closely.

"Hickeys?!" I freak and grab my neck.

"I need to know what happened Anthony! I don't remember getting hickeys!"

"Babe chill, we will figure this out" he puts his hands on my shoulders.

Last night

"Serina reveal the neck!" Erika clapped.

I laughed and crawled over to Ivan and pulled my hair out the way.

He leaned in and sucked on my skin. I couldn't help but laugh, it was funny.

"Oooouuuu" Chad laughed.

He stopped and I got off him and wobbled back to my spot. "Anthony look mad!" Jake pointed out.

"You want a turn?" I walked over to him and sat on lap.

"Well yeah" he leaned over to my ear "that's for later though" he sent chills down my spine.

I smile and kissed him, I went back to my spot and we continued playing.


I brushed my teeth and washed my face with my morning face wash to wake me up. I pat dry my face and leave the bathroom. Everyone is still here sleeping, Anthony and I were the only ones awake he was cleaning the kitchen.

I came in and started washing the dishes, I moved a plate and a fucking radio was in the sink. I pulled it out and turned to Anthony "why is there a radio in the damn sink?"

He turned and shrugged "I don't even remember my middle name right now" he went back to cleaning.

Last night

"This could be us but you playing" Erika and I danced to the song.

"Turn that off and put something good on" someone yelled.

"Fuck off" I flicked them off.

Logan came to the kitchen and grabbed the radio.

"Noooo" I dragged the O and tried to get it back.

"Nice try Serina" he put the radio in the sink and turned the water on.

"No my baby!" I watched it get wet.

"Sorry S" he left. I watched the radio get wet that poor radio.


I walked to the living with a pan and a wooden spoon. I banged the spoon on the pan "WAKE UP LOSERS!" I screamed and walked around them banging the spoon on the pan.

I heard groans and curses but I kept going. "Serina!" Jake groaned and grabbed my foot making me loose my balance.

I fell on top of Nathan...again, "ha good morning bud" I got up my self.

Chance stood up and rubbed his head "what the hell happened last night?"

"I tried figuring that out too" I laughed and raised my arms stretching.

"Serina what is that on your side?" Chas pointed.

I put my arms down and looked at him weirdly. "What?" I lifted my shirt and saw the worst thing ever, a tattoo.

"Oh my gosh" I looked at it, i started rubbing it in hope it would come off.

"When did I get this!" I looked around the room.

"I don't know" Chad shrugged.

"I mean it's cute at least" Chance tried to change the mood.

He wasn't lying it was cute but I don't want it there.

Last night

We walked into the tattoo place, "how may we help you?"

I leaned over the counter and laughed "I want this" I showed him the picture.

"Hm okay, where would you like that?"

I lifted my shirt and showed "okay, well lets go then" he walked to the back. Anthony and Logan were with me.

I sat down on the chair and lifted my shirt. "First time?" 

"Sure" i laughed.

He laughed and began the process. Fuck! It really hurt I don't like it.


"I have a tattoo Logan! This is bad I need to know what happened!" I jumped on his bed and sighed.

"Calm down, at least you didn't get something bad. It looks cute at least" he smiled. 

"Yea I know! I just don't like he feeling of not remembering what I did" I ran my hand through my hair.

"Maybe it's for the best" he shrugged.

"Logan" I raised my brows.

He put us hands up in defense, my phone rung. I pulled my phone out my pocket and picked up.

"This is serina" I said tiredly.

"Serina, needs you to come tomorrow. You up." Rice asked.

"Yea, uh what time tomorrow?"

"I'll text you when" he said.

"Okay see you there" I hung up and tossed my phone next to me.

"Who was that?"

"Bryan" I sat up and massaged my temples.

"Oh" he said and got up.



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