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I feel so guilty, I was laying with rice watching Netflix with him while he edited.

"Hey what do you think, this coloration" he asked me, I looked at the computer.

"Eh the second one, brings your eyes out?" I asked, I really don't know much about editing and stuff.

"Hm, alright" he deleted the other ones and kept the one I told him was good.

I turned over and grabbed her controller pausing the show. I sat up next to him and looked at him. He looked over at me and laughed "Yes?"

"What are we?" I messed with the end of the bed sheets.

"I don't like titles" he said and closed his lap top.

"Oh-" he cut me off "but just know you're  mine" he smiled.

Gosh he is making me feel so guilty right now, "and you're mines" I smile and kissed his cheek.

My smile turned into a frown, I couldn't ignore this feeling, it was eating me up in the inside.

Anthony pov

"It's over!" I yell at her.

"No you can't break up with me!" She yells back.

"I don't like you" I yell back at her. Her face drops and she steps back.

"You didn't stop me in high school" she crossed her arms.

"That was a mistake, I Love Serina, I always did and always-" I cut my self off.

"I knew it!" She yelled loudly.

"She doesn't love you, she cheated on you. There is video evidence" she crosses her arms.

"Did you make that video by any chance?" Let me explain, last night I overheard her on the phone going on and on about the damn video and how she didn't like how the views stopped going up after 2 million.

I got curious, why would she care so much about the views?

"What?" Her eyes widened and she put her arms down.

"Did you make that video?" I repeat my self this time more boldly.

"I- no- I just" She stuttered a lot.

"You made it" I shook my head, in all reality I had no idea if she did, but I guess I'm about to find out.

"So what if I did!" Knew it.

"Get out my fucking house Nessa" I ball up my fist.

"I didn't want to be here anyways" she grabs her purse and keys.

"Doesn't explain the texts of you begging to come" I say to her as she walks out.

Serina's pov

"Hey where were you?" Logan opened the door to his new house.

"I was out" I walked in and looked around the house.

"It's Nice right" he closes the door.

"Where is my room?" I turn around, to face him.

"Upstairs two doors down to the left" he sighs.

"Ah thanks" I kiss his cheek and run up the stairs like a little kid.

I opened the door, all my boxes were in the room. I put my bag down and looked around it, it had a huge opened space, and a decent sized closet. The window space was amazing, I walked up to the window, and looked out of it.

Then someone popped up from the window, I screamed and fell backwards. It was Anthony, he made a shush signal towards me and signaled me to open the window.

I got up slowly, I walked backwards and locked the door, I then made my way to the window opening it slowly. I stepped back allowing space for him. He got in and turned back around closing it then facing me.

I just stood there shook, "uh you couldn't use the front door?"

"What's the fun with that?" He laughs to him self.

"Fair point" I nod to my self "but what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to hang with someone" he shrugged.

"I mean I have to unpac-" I smirk to myself "actually you can help me unpack."

"I think jake is calling me" He turns to the window.

I get grip of his shirt and pull him towards me, maybe a little too hard because he turned and stumbled on me. His hand wrapped around my waist, pulling me to him.

"You okay up there?" Logan yelled through the house.

"Uh Yea" I said, I turned to look at Anthony, he realized what was going on and took his arm off me.

I stepped back, I could feel myself blushing.

"Well let's get started" I go to a box.

- 3 hours later -

"Done" we both step back and look at the room.

It was stunning (pic above).

"I should be a room designer" Anthony crosses his arms and admires the room.

"Shut up, you thought my mascara went on the wall for wall decoration" I laugh remembering that.

"It was a joke of course" he moves over and takes the mascara off the wall that he taped there.

"Mmhmm" I squint my eyes.

"Hey Serina" Logan knocked on my door.

We both panicked "where do I go?"

I looked around my room "CLOSET GO!" I push him inside.

"One second" I put some of my clothes on him and close the closet doors.

I fix myself and unlock the door. "Hey" he walks in and looks around the room.

"You did all of this in only 3 hours?" He sounded amazed.

"Uh Yea" I roll my eyes with a half smile.

"Props" he laughs "anyway, we are getting food so you coming or you staying?"

"Uh I'll stay, I'm pretty tired after all this work" I laugh nervously.

"Hm alright, see ya" he squished my cheek while walking out. I smile, and watch everyone leave, I then close my door and rub my cheek. That kinda hurt.

Anyway I rush to my closet and open it. "Awww" he has my underwear in his hand.

My eyes shot open and I grab them out his hands "What they were adorable" he frowns with a smirk.

"Perv" I help him out.

"Well since Logan isn't here, we should" he smirked at me.

"No-" he cuts me off

"We should make pizza" he puts his hands on his hips and walks out.

I roll my eyes and follow him out.

Jakes Sister|| Anthony Trujillo Where stories live. Discover now