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Logan pov
(Surprise unedited)
In the hospital

"Please stay out here sir, you can see you her when we are done. She will be fine trust us" the nurse said and held my back.

"How do I know that?" I stepped back.

She shook her head and walked away into he room. He signaled cops to stand in front the doors. I looked at them and sighed, I walked into the waiting room. I sat down and put my head in my hands, soft cries came from me.

My heart was hurting, my baby sister, is currently inside he hospital because of a boy. I could of stopped all of this from happening. She could of been okay, she might of been hurting but at least she didn't have to end up in the hospital.

I feel like a failure, I failed my little sister. I remember us being in outside in Ohio. She was like 6 and I told her I will always protect her and never let anything happen to her.


"Logan you promise to always be my big brother" Serina sat down on the grass with a smile on her face.

"I promise to be like a big brother hero, I will never let no one or anything hurt you. I basically will be super man" I stood up and went into the super man pose.

She laughed and stood up "yay" she laughed.

She hugged me and I hugged her back "let's play super heroes, in the villain" she laughed and started running around.

"No fair you always get a head start" I groaned but ran after I mean I can't let her win.


"Logan wake up" someone pushed my arm. I opened my eyes and looked around. I was still in the hospital this wasn't a dream.

"You can see her" Anthony told me.

I sat up and looked at him "you don't want to see her first?"

"We might be dating, well I think so, but you're her brother" he patted my shoulder and gave me a reassuring smile.

I gave him a small smile and got up, I walked up to the front desk.

"Hi I'm looking for Serina Paul she came in a ambulance" I said. She looked at her computer and then some papers.

"Um right through the doors room 221" she looked up at me. 

"Wait aren't you Logan Paul?"

"Yea that's me" I nodded and walked through the doors.







Room 221, I stood in front of the door and stared at the door knob. I was really nervous to see her, what if she hates me?

I grabbed the door knob and walked in. The room was dark but the sun lit up her face.

She rested on the bed, she has a tube on her nose helping her breathe. She had iv needles everywhere on her arms. She stomach moved up and down breathing softly. All you heard in the room was her breathing and my heavy breathing.

I slowly walked over to the side of the bed and got a closer look at her. She had a gash on her neck that was wrapped. Little cuts all over her face, she had a black eye that was pretty bad. I looked down at her arm, I grabbed her hand, she was still cold. I pulled the blanket more on her.

"Gosh I'm so sorry Serina" i said whispering to her.

"I broke it, i broke the promise that I will always protect you and be your big brother hero. If you hear me I'm so sorry. I failed you as a brother, I hope you forgive me S" I kissed her head "I love you so much. I'm not leaving your side not today or ever. I promise, and this time I'll keep this promise" I gave a small smile but I frowned again just looking at her and the way she was.

She moved a bit, she groaned and her eyes slowly fluttered opened. She closed them and opened them again squinting.

My eyes perked up and a smile grew across my face. 

"Logan?" She sounded confused.

"Serina" I smiled and hugged her softly making sure I don't hurt her.

"Logan I'm scared" she said, I let her go "I don't want to die now."

I felt my eyes water a big I blinked and wiped them.

"Hey don't say that, you're not going to die okay? You're in good hands."

"Where is Anthony?" She looked over to the side.

"Him and Jake are in the waiting room" she closed her eyes and sighed "they can come in if you want."

"No, I don't want to see them, just you for right now" she opened them and smiled.

"Okay it's whatever you want, but I'm taking over the tv" I took the controller and turned the tv on.

"Like always" she laughed a bit. I grabbed the couch in the corner of the room and sat down next to her.

"And we are watching" I scanned through the channels "I guess The amazing world of gumball" I smiled.

"I remember this" she said.

I turned the volume up and we both watched the tv.


Okay is it just me but who else wants Logan to be there brother ... cause I do 👌🏻

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