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"Alright lift your head a bit" the photographer told me. He snapped the photo "that's a wrap" he smiled and turned the camera off. (Pic above)

I smiled and walked off into my trailer.

New York is stressful but I loved it here. It was my type of pace. "Hello beautiful" someone opened my trailer door. Anthony was there with two drinks in his hand. He gave me on and sat down on the couch.

"I needed" I took a sip. I was tired as fuck, I'm so jet lagged. "Don't we all," he took a sip as well "so how was the shoot?"

"Good, until my photographers camera died" I laughed remembering how pissed he was. "Isn't he supposed to professional?" Anthony asked.

"Supposed to be" i laughed. "Anyway there is a small cafe opened later tonight I wanted to know if you wanted to come with me?" He asked. "Of course" i smiled.

"Cool" he smiled. He stood up and kissed me "I have to go, hotel isn't going to check it's self" he said. "Get the top floor!" I said before he left.

"Okay now it's just me and the city" I looked at myself in the mirror.

<time skip>

I roamed the streets of beautiful New York City. The people walking down the streets, the little stores that were just adorable.

Some girls came up to me "can we get a picture?" They asked. They all looked about 15. "Sure" they gave there mom the phone, they came to my side and we smiled for the picture. "Thank you! We love you so much and hope to be like you one day!" They all laughed and smiled.

"Aw oh my gosh you guys are cute. Keep working for your dream and anything is possible!" I hugged them all. They left and i smiled feeling good about my self.

I love meeting fans they always make my day. I continued to walk down the street. The cold hair and blew my hair back as I walked. I felt something fall on my nose. I looked up and saw snow flakes falling down.

"Serina!" Someone yelled. I turned around "oh my gosh! Tessa!" I ran over to her and hugged her tightly. "That's not it" she said as I let go of her. Jake, chance, tristen, even Alissa and rice were with Sommer.

"Guys" i said in an Aw tone. I walked over and hugged them all. "I'm surprised you guys aren't fighting" i said.

"We worked out an agreement for your big day" jake said. "I just took some pictures?"

"Also tomorrow I booked you a run way show for the and only vogue" jake said.

"Jake, are you serious!?" I smiled widely. "So serious" he smiled. I hugged him tightly "thank you thank you thank you" I jumped.

I saw someone with rice it was Kelsey. She smiled at me I smiled back at her. "Well we have the whole New York, lets explore" Alissa said.

"Let's go!" I said.

<time skip>

I got to my hotel room, Anthony was here. I opened the door and saw him watching tv. "Hey" i said and placed my things down. I took my jacket off and my boots and crawled over to Anthony.

"You had fun" he moved his arm out and i layed there. "Yea, I'm so tired though" I sighed and closed my eyes.

"I love you" he said and kissed my forehead. I looked up and kissed his lips. "I love you more" I smiled. "I want to be with you forever Serina" he pulled apart. "We will" I said and smiled.

"Serina," he pulled apart from me. "I love you, and i want us to be official and together forever. So I'm going to go with my gut and do this" he pulled something out this pocket.

Oh fuck.

"Serina Paul, will you marry me?" He said with a small whisper. I looked at the small black box with a shinning ring in it. I felt my eyes water and I smiled. I nodded "yes, oh my gosh yes!" I said super excitedly.

He smiled and kissed me quickly, he pulled away from slid it on my finger. "Anthony I love you so fucking much" he kissed him again.

<time skip>

"YOURE ENGAGED!" Tessa screamed and hugged me tightly. "I'm so happy!" Alissa screamed loudly.

"I am too!" I jumped We jumped like little kids.

Jake and Chance walked in, "what's up your ass?" Jake said. I walked up to him and stuck my hand out "wait what?" He grabbed my hand and inspected it.

"You're engaged!" Chance smiled looking over Jakes shoulder. I bit my lip and lip they both screamed. "SERINA! I'm so happy for you!" Jake hugged my tightly.

"Congrats shit bag!" Chance went to hug me, i frowned when he said that.

<time skip>

3 years later.....

"We did it" Anthony said and leaned on the counter. "Yup We did it and they said we couldn't" i crossed my arms and looked around our new house. "Mommy!" My daughter ran over to me. She was only 2, she came up to me. I picked her up and kissed her cheek.

"Mommy i want big room" her angelic eyes looked with full enlightenment. "Of course Hannah" she smiled and put her hands out to Anthony. Anthony grabbed her and swung her playfully over to his hip.

She laid her head on his shoulder, he pulled my close to him and smiled.

"I love you Serina Trujillo" he kissed me. "I love you too Anthony" he kissed him back. "Ew" Hannah said.


That's it.... but secretly I want someone to write the sequel.


If you think you can write the sequel dm me!

I'll answer , you will need to send me a sample of your writing :) but yea love youuuuu

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