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(I'm doing past for a while)
The boys told me not to edits 🙃
1 week of being in Montana

"Anthony!" I yell through out the house we rented for a while.

He came running to me into the kitchen. "Yes" he slowed down and stopped.

"Where is my pizza?" I cross my arms.

He laughs nervously and his cheeks heat up "I might of touched them."

"Anthony really" I groan and close the pizza box.

He looks at the clock on the wall and his eyes widen. "Oh shit get dressed" he runs off to the bedroom.

I scrunch my brows but go get changed into my new outfit.

I put something simple on just some shorts, because it's hot as shit outside, a cropped tank top and some sneakers. I tie my hair into a high pony tail and grabbed my phone.

I walked out into the living room and Anthony was sitting on the couch.

"Where are we going?" I said as he got up and grabbed my hand.

"On a little date" he opened the door and let me walk out first.

"To where though" I laugh and he opens the car.

"It's a surprise now sh" we get in the car.


"Oh ice cream shop" I gripped his hand harder and looked at the ice cream shop like a little kid.

"I know you love ice cream so I brought you here" he smiled and kissed my head.

We walked over to order out ice creams.

"Hi can I have one vanilla ice cream and a chocolate ice cream with rainbow sprinkles" he told the lady. She took the order down and we waited for them.

"You remembered" i smiled at him.

"Of course" I smile and lay my head on his arm as we wait.

After a few minutes of waiting we got our ice cream. We found a seat outside and we sat across from each other.

"I love ice cream" I licked ice cream happily.

"I love you" Anthony said. I stopped licking my ice cream and looked up at him.

"What?" I said suddenly feeling really small.

"I love you Serina" he grabbed my hand.

He just said he loved me, like he did the first time. I didn't know what to say I was in shock.

"Anthony I love you too" I smiled, I leaned up and kissed him. When I kissed him I really didn't want to stop.

Honestly I have never been more happy than I am right now. Anthony and I, i guess you can say together, is what makes me want to smile.

I don't have an idiotic brother named Jake behind me. Yelling and telling me what to don it's just us two and no one else.....I spoke too soon.

If I'm not seeing wrong Logan was right there with Brandon, Evan and Lydia.

"Um don't think now but Logan is behind you" I whisper to Anthony.

He srunches his brows but turns around.

"How did he find us?" He turns back to me.

"Hehe" I play with my thumbs.

"You told him didn't you?" He sighs.

I look up and smile nervously "maybe."

"SERINA!" Logan yells getting people attention.

"Logan!" I get up and smile, why is he here?

I mean the love the kid but come on.....

I hug him and he hugs me back tightly. He lets go of me and nods happily.

"So what are you doing here?" I hint at him.

"I wanted to visit you guys, I miss my little sister" he rubs my head.

I groan and take his hand off my head. I look up at him with no facial expression.

"Well since you guys are here. Ice cream?" Anthony puts up his icecream cone.

"Hell yea" Logan laughs and goes to order his ice cream.

Lydia takes the opportunity to take me to the side.

"Hey I'm sorry if your day with Anthony is ruined. But Logan was really excited to come see you" she smiled and shrugged.

"Don't apologize, I was I shock but it's cool you guys are here" I smile and so does she.


We get to the house with Logan and everyone.

"Wow sis it's nice" Logan looks around.

"Yea we only have it for 1 more week, after that help California" I let them all in.

Anthony was the last to come in, he walked in and kissed me quickly.

"Come logan I'll show you your room" Anthony said. Logan and Brandon went to go look at the room.

"So you ran away?" I heard Evan laugh. I turn around and glare at him.

"Evan suck my toe" I roll my eyes.

"Ew no thanks" he shakes his head no and leaves.

I sigh and lock the front door, I take my shoes off and walked over to the back yard. The back yard is really pretty and has an amazing view. I like sitting out there and just looking out to the view. I closed the back door behind me. I walked to the grass and sat on it looking at he sunset.

It was beautiful, and so quite and peaceful.

"Hey S" someone sat next to me. I looked over and saw Logan sitting next to me.

"Hey" I said quietly.

"You made he right choice" he said.

I scrunch my brows and look at him confused "what?"

He laughs a bit "Anthony is a good guy."

I smile and tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. "Jake still mad at me?"

Logan shrugs "haven't spoken to him yet. But he will get over it."

"Why did you come all the way over here?" I ask him. He sighs and looks at me "I wanted to get away from things."

"I thought why not annoy my sister at the same time. But in reality I'm just tired of drama so I came down here so see you guys" he smiles.

I smile and lay my head on his shoulder. I honestly love my big brother, he has been my bestfriend since day one. I couldn't ask for better brothers, even if I wasn't talking to Jake. He is my brother and I love him either way.

"I love you Logan" I smile.

I could tell he was smiling he kissed my head "I love you too butt cheek."

I slapped his stomach "ow" he whined. We both laughed a bit and just sat out there.


A little Serina and Logan action 😌

I honestly love Logan 🤷‍♀️💜

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