Chapter Thirty

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Shawn Mendes.
"Shawn?" Ian breathed as he ran into the room, stopping for a second and putting his hands on his knees to catch his breath

Standing up, I braced myself for the news that was about to come, "She didn't make it did she?" I sighed, sitting back down on the chair as the sadness overflowed my body, my heart aching with every breath

"No." he smiled, shaking his head, "She did Shawn, she made it."

Looking up at him through my lashes, to make sure this wasn't some kind of joke, his overjoyed expression confirmed it. She was alive. She was still with me. Even though she'll be unable to walk. She's here. Jumping up from my chair I gave him and Harriet a quick hug before going back to the side of Andrew's bed and placing my hand on his arm, "You'll get through this Andrew, I know you will," i smiled before removing my hand and dashing out the door

Running to the end of the hallway, i saw the elevator was a few floors above us and i wasn't going to wait around for it. Springing to the stairs, i made sure not to hit anyone as i made my way down to the floor below.

"Hey! Stop running, you kids are going to hurt someone someday!" an elderly man shouted as i passed him. Ignoring his comment, i tried to remember what hallway she was down, breathing heaving i looked around for a nurse of some sort, my hands running through my hair. I needed to see her, and i needed to see her now.

"Excuse me?" i asked, walking up to the nurse that was coming my way. When she didn't reply i asked again, a little louder, "Excuse me?"

"Sorry, yes, you must be Mr. Mendes? Am i right?" she raised her eyebrow at me while flicking through her notes

"Yes, I'm looking for Melody Reagan? She came in about an hour ago?" i pressed, wanting answers fast

"Just down here, come with me," she smiled. I couldn't put my finger on it but there was something oddly familiar about her.

Leading me down the hallway on my right, i followed behind, trying to pinpoint where i'd last seen her, when i realized. The person in front of me, pretending to be a nurse, was Alex. The same Alex that tried to kill my girlfriend. I didn't know what she was doing or where she was taking me, but i wasn't going to let her get the best of me.

"Excuse me, Miss? Can i get your name?" i smiled, realizing she had no name tag

"That's not important right now, Sir," she smiled, turning back on her heels and walking in the same direction

"Can I quickly go to the bathroom? I don't want to leave her when i get there," i asked, clearly beginning to frustrate her

"Okay. Back down to the end of the hall on your left. Ill wait here for you."

"Okay, thank you for your help," i smiled again, turning around and losing it immediately. If she thinks she can mess with me on a day like today, she's one stupid bitch.

Maneuvering down the hallway, i looked back to see she was staring at me, making sure i wasn't running away from her or had revealed her secret identity. Satisfied, i opened the bathroom door and went in. Staying for a minute or so, I called Ian to let him know what was happening, and seconds later he was down distracting her, explaining he needed help in the room beside him, because he wasn't letting her anywhere near Andrew. Nodding, she followed him back down the hallway and up the stairs. Annoyance and frustration growing on her face with every step as she had to keep her act going unless she wanted to be arrested.

Emerging from the bathroom, i went to the front desk instead, scolding myself for not doing it earlier and asked for Melody's room there. Getting the information i needed, i exited the hallway Alex had led me down and walked directly in front of me down another. My eyes lit up once i'd gotten to her room, but soon worry took over as i found the door closed. What the hell?

Trying to turn the knob, it wouldn't budge. Why wouldn't it move?

"Excuse me, why is this door locked?" i spat at a passing doctor, aggravated that they would let this happen

"I'm not sure, it shouldn't be, let me get my key and open it." he said, confusion laced in his tone

Opening the door, inside, beside my girlfriend, was her parents. The same parents that abandoned her, shot one of my best friends and placed the bomb that did this to her, to us. Nodding at the doctor, he went on his way, my eyes burning into the back of their heads.

"Hello, Shawn." Her father stated, his head not moving an inch

"What the fuck are you doing?" i spat, anger flushing through my veins, "You did this to her! Now get the fuck out of here!" i shouted, not caring who was watching, "What did you do to her? Why did you lock the door?" i questioned, the sinister tone in my voice becoming more clear. When they didn't respond, i walked over to the door and closed it. Striding over to his wife, i placed my lips to her ear, "What did you do?" i whispered in a sing-song voice

"N-Nothing," she breathed, nervousness taking over her expression. Looking at her husband with a stray tear rolling down her cheek. Grabbing my gun, i placed it to her head, locking eyes with the bastard that was sitting in front of her.

"Wrong answer." i laughed, "Now. I'm going to ask again. What. Did. You. Do?"

The answer i got, made no sense to me. The two people that put her in this position, and the two people who wanted nothing to do with her for a big part of her life, had the audacity to claim what they said was the truth.

"We were helping her."


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