Chapter 2

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                                  Royalty Wilson|Royalty
It's now Saturday afternoon and Treasure and I are currently getting dressed to go to the park. I threw on a plain white tee, a pair of jean shorts and a pair of white sandals then I did my hair in a simple puff.

I dress Treasure in a white onsie, a pair of jean shorts and white sandals. I packed her bag then we left and made our way to the park.

Since the park is only a couple of blocks away I lifted her up and we walked.

When we got to the park I seen Aaliyah and her crew. That boy she came to my job with was there too. I didn't say anything I just walked pass them and went to the slides.

Treasure and I were playing on the slides then she started playing in the sandbox.

Aaliyah walked over starting shit as usual.

"Hey Lil hoe"

I looked up at her but I didn't speak.

It's kinda hard to believe that Aaliyah and I were once Bestfriends, after I got pregnant with Treasure she switched up and went to school spreading rumors. Aaliyah, My mother and I are the only ones who really knows who Treasure's father is.

"So you gon act like you don't hear me speaking?" She asked with a neck roll flipping her weave over her shoulder.

"Nah lil hoe, I heard you but I honestly don't respect you enough to converse with you" I said making air quotations with my fingers when I said the words "Lil hoe"

"Bitch you're acting like your somebody, I'll spit on you"

"Yea aight Aaliyah, you like breathing" I said with a amused smile

She made the hawking sound then spat but it didn't touch me, It went pass me.

I got up so fast and snatched her by her throat, I started throwing punches straight to her face. She was swinging back but she wasn't getting any good hits in. I kept hitting her until I heard Treasure crying then it brought me back to reality and I let her go.

I picked up Treasure and wiped her face then I walked away in the direction of one of the benches. When I was walking by the boy that came to my Job with Aaliyah I heard him say "I told yo dumb ass to leave that girl alone now look"

I can fight. I just don't do it often because fighting isn't cute, in all honesty the only reason I fought her was the thought of that spit touching me. That bitch is mad disgusting for even attempting to spit on me.

When Treasure calmed down I gave her her sippy cup of juice and then we left the park to go home.

It's about 9:00pm and I'm in the kitchen fixing Treasure a bottle when my mom walks in with one of her guy friends, probably bout to sell some ass so she'll have money for her and her boyfriend to get high. They sat on the couch drinking and popping pills.

I walked pass them and went into my room locking the door behind me. I gave Treasure her bottle then laid down next to her. There's no TV in my room so Treasure's watching cartoons on my school issued laptop. We're connected to Ms.Rose's Wifi.

Treasure fell asleep and I was on the verge of doing the same when Rhaine started screaming my name I would ignore her but I didn't want her to wake Treasure so I got up to see what she wanted.

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