Chapter 5

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                                    Royalty Wilson|Royalty
I don't understand wassup with everybody today but they've all been staring in my face, way more than the usual.

After dropping Treasure off to the daycare I went to my locker and took out my Calculus textbook, a notebook and a pencil before sticking my backpack in there and closing it. 

On cue the bell for class rang so I made my way to class. When I got in there I took my usual seat in the back and read the assignment on the board then started doing my work.

Not long after the late bell rang and a boy name Cyrus walked in a took his seat in front of me.

When he was situated he turned around and started speaking to me.

"Hey beautiful, are you new here?" He asked as he looked into my eyes and licked his lips.

"You're kidding right? Dude we've been going to school together since middle school" I said looking at him with a straight face.

"Oh really? I don't remember ever seeing you around?"

"Really? Cause I remember when you'd sit with Aaliyah them and call me every name in the book, you didn't even know me. So what I got some weave and new clothes and you don't remember that 'I'm the hoe with the baby' or 'the bitch that got trained and got pregnant'?" I asked as I leaned back in my chair waiting for him to answer my question.

"You just look different. I'm sorry if I've ever offended you or hurt your feelings" he said sincerely apologizing.

"No hard feelings" I said with a shrug.

With that he turned back around in his seat and I went back to doing my work.

The rest of the day went by pretty fast for the most part, but it was a bit strange how all these people kept speaking to me as if we've been friends.

At twelve I went to get Treasure from the school's daycare and then walked to the front of the school just to see that Beast was already there.

I was holding Treasure's hand as we walked but as soon as she seen him she let got off my hand and ran to him.

He picked her up and started tickling her which cause her to giggle extremely hard.

I'm honestly surprised she got so comfortable with him so fast because my child don't like any and everybody and she definitely don't like any and everybody touching her.

When I got to where they were standing he pulled me in for a hug then opened the passenger side door for me to get in then closing it behind me before opening the back to strap Treasure in.

When she was strapped in and everything was secured he got into the car then pulled off.

"How was your day?" He asked as he left my school and took the nearest exit to get to the high way so we could get to his side of town.

"It was... weird. How was yours?"

"It was alright. What made your day so weird?"

"The whole day people just stared in my face like they've never seen me before. Then there's the people who kept talking to me like they were my friend of something."

"Maybe they heard you beat up Aaliyah a couple of days ago and now they're scared of you" he said with a light chuckle.

"Aaliyah's always getting beat up so I doubt that's the reason" I said with a light smile.

He just shook his head.

We continued to make small talk until we got back to his place.

Treasure ended up falling asleep on the ride back so I took her upstairs and laid her on the bed before putting pillows around her.

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