Chapter 7

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Royalty Wilson|Royalty As a result of going to sleep so early I also woke up pretty early. I ended up waking up at 9:00am so I did my daily morning hygiene routine then decided I'd make breakfast for everyone before Treasure woke up.

I went downstairs and took out grits, eggs, sausage, bacon and and bread so I could make French toast then I started working on breakfast.

I started with the grits first, then the meats afterwards I did the French toast and the last thing I cooked was eggs. Afterwards I fixed three plates. One for me, one for Ayden and a smaller one for Treasure.

When I was finished I went upstairs and woke Treasure up and then went into Ayden's room to see that he was still asleep so I started jumping on the bed with Treasure still on my hip to wake him up.

As a result he pulled me by me leg so I fell down next to him.

"Wake up" I said laughing

"I'm up ugly, what do you want?" He said with his eyes still closed

"I made breakfast" I said as I sat up at the edge of the bed

That caught his attention because he opened one eye and looked over at me.

When he seen Treasure he took her away from me and she didn't hesitate to lay down next to him and pull on his facial hair.

"Y'all ugly" I said mugging them

"You're just a hater" he said before closing his eyes again.

I rolled my eyes and left the room before going back downstairs and pouring myself a glass of Orange juice.

Afterwards I sat down and started eating. Not long after Beast comes walking downstairs with Treasure in hand.

Her fat self seen that I had food and that's when she started reaching for me.

"Just fake." I said as I took her from him and sat her on my lap before giving her a strip of bacon.

Beast made himself a cup of tea before coming to sit next to me with his plate.

"What got you up so early?" He asked as he ate a spoonful of grits.

"It's 10:00, it's not early" I said straight facing him.

"It's a Sunday, you're not going to church, and you have nothing to do therefore it's early"

"I went to bed early so I woke up early" I said with a shrug

"And just decided to wake everybody else up huh?"

"I got bored" I said with a pout

"Anybody ever told you that you're a brat? You look like one too" he said with a smile

"I am not a Brat but I have been told I look like a Bratz doll" I said with a shrug

"You are and you do" he said again stuffing a piece of bacon in his mouth.

"Whatever" I said as I finished feeding Treasure her grits

Afterwards I got up and put the plates in the sink before going upstairs and stripping Treasure out of her Pj and throwing away her diaper.

I brushed her teeth as I ran her bath water before putting her in the tub.

I washed her up then took her out of the tub and wrapped her in a towel.

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