Chapter 22

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Royalty Wilson~Royalty
It's now Friday and I'd just gotten home from school. I caught a cab home because Ayden got caught up with some business.

I got Treasure and myself changed then we went downstairs where I fixed her some of Chef Boyardee's Canned beefaroni.

When she was finished eating I sat her in front of the tv and I started working on my homework.

I had an essay for English and a end of year project to do for Math so that's what I was working on.

Half way through my essay I heard the front door open, Soon after Ayden and the boys walked in.

The boys greeted me and walked out to the balcony so they could go smoke. When Tink seen Ayden she got up and reached up to him.

He picked her up and walked over to where I was sitting and kissed my forehead.

"Hey brat, how was your day?" He asked.

I glanced up at him as I spoke.

"It was fine. How was yours?"

"It was alright." He said as he took a seat on the couch next to me.

He positioned himself to where he was laying down with his head in my lap and Treasure was laying on his chest getting ready to fall asleep.

"Y'all are annoying" I said looking down at them for a second before refocusing my attention on the laptop that was rested on the arm of the couch.

"Girl stop playing like you didn't miss me"

I made a face of distaste as I spoke.

"Miss you? Stop flattering yourself?"

"Oh word?"

"Word." I responded with a smirk

"Bet, say less" he said as he got up.

Without even realizing I instantly started pouting.

"Where are you going?"

"Somewhere with someone who missed me" He said

"But I.."

I was unable to finish my sentence because he had cut me off.

"Unt uh, its too late my feelings are already hurt" He said walking out of the living room with a sleeping Treasure on his shoulder.

I puffed out a breath and rolled my eyes before mumbling a "whatever" under my breath.

I closed the laptop because I was now finished with my essay then I got up and walked into the kitchen.

I washed my hands then open the fridge to decide on what I was going to cook.

After skimming through ingredients I decided I'd make shrimp quesadillas.

I got the shrimp out and sat the bag in hot water so they'd thaw fast then I got to chopping onions, bell peppers and garlic.

When I was finished I started to peel the shrimps.

Once they were all peeled I got a skillet from the cupboard and sat it on the stove.

I added a bit of oil then waited for it to heat up before I added the onions, garlic and bell pepper.

After a minute or so I added the shrimp and taco seasoning.

I let that cook for another two minutes til the shrimp started to turn pink then I transferred the mix into a bowl and rinsed the pan then wiped it dry.

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