Chapter 4

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Royalty Wilson|Royalty
I woke up to the sound of an alarm. It was the one I set the previous night so I'd be able to wake up on time for school.

I hit stop on the phone so the alarm would go off then got up out of the bed and went into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth then hopped into the shower.

When I was finished showering I wrapped a towel around myself and went back into the room.

I lotion my skin then just threw on a pair of jeans with sandals and a pullover hoodie. I left my hair in a afro then woke Treasure up and brushed her teeth and got her dressed.

I put her on a pair of jeans, a black onesie and on her feet a pair of sandals. I packed her bag and grabbed my phone off the charger and then grabbed my backpack.

It was then that I realized that we were on the complete opposite side of town and I had no way to get to school.

I went to the end of the hall and knocked on Beast's door. He told me to come in with Sleep evident in his voice.

"Hey I'm sorry to wake you but do you mind taking me to school?" I asked chewing on the inside of my cheek.

He opened one eye and looked up at me before he spoke.

"Yea. Gimme 5 minutes." I nodded then walked out of his room and Treasure and I went and sat in the living room so we could wait for him.

Treasure was falling back asleep so I just laid her across my lap and let her. A few minutes later Beast walks down the stairs dressed in a pair of grey sweatpants and a white tea with a pair of Jordan slides on his feet.

He asked was I ready and I nod before placing Treasure on my shoulder and standing up. He walked over to me and grabbed Treasure so I just carried the bags and we left the apartment.

He used a free hand to lock the door and then we walked down the hall and took the elevator to where the car was parked. He sat Treasure in the back and strapped her in. I threw the bags on the back seat and then sat in the front before putting the seat belt on.

As we pulled off Beast spoke.

"Did y'all eat anything yet?" He asked as he took a glance at me then focused his attention back on the road.

"No, I usually just get breakfast from the diner across from my school" I said in response to his question.

"Where does Babydoll go while you're at school?" He asked again

"To School with me. My school has a daycare" I explained.

"You go to the same school as Aaliyah right?"

"Unfortunately, Yes" I said before rolling my eyes.

We rode in silence for a bit then he pulled up to Burger King. When we got to the menu in the drive thru he asked what did I want but I didn't know so I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Welcome to Burger King what can I get for you?" A female said through the speaker

"Let me get 2 ultimate breakfast platters, a kids oatmeal meal, some French toast sticks and two large vanilla iced coffees" He said

"Will that be all?"

"Yea that's it"

"Your total is $21.05 pull up to the second window"

He pulled up to the second window and handed the cashier a 20 and a 5 dollar bill. She cave him back his change then handed him the drinks. He passed them over to me and grabbed the food from her and pulled off.

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