The Birth of Kim Yoongi

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The wedding was everything that either of them could ever want. Jin's father went all out for his son's big day. As much as Namjoon looked forward to marrying the love of his life, a part of him was looking forward to their honeymoon much more. See, Jin's family didn't believe in sex before marriage, so Jin always took medication for his heats; but now that he was getting married he didn't have too. If Jin was being honest, he was looking forward to their honeymoon too.

The couple went to Europe, and had an amazing time sightseeing and an amazing time in the bedroom. ( ;) )

When the couple returned home to their apartment, they went back to their jobs. Namjoon is an editor and Jin owns a bakery. The newly wed couple was very happy.

Namjoon's POV:

I just got home from work and I picked up dinner for Jin and I. I set the food down on the counter. "Jin! I'm home~!" I call. Jin comes out of the bathroom, and he doesn't seem to be happy. I frown. "Is everything okay?" I ask him.

Jin looks up at me. "I just realized that I haven't had my heat," he says. "And I've been really sick lately, in the mornings and..." He holds up a pregnancy test that reads positive. Holy shit! I smile and pick Jin up and spin him around. "We're going to be parents!" I exclaim as he laughs. I set him down.

"I thought you said that you would wear a condom for our first time," he says and I can't help but to smirk. "Oh but Jinnie~ we did it a lot more than just one time~" I lean in and kiss him deeply.

~one month later~

Jin's POV...

Namjoon and I have agreed not to tell anyone that I'm pregnant until I'm further along. Even Namjoon is already acting like I'm nine months in. He always makes sure that I eat a lot, which I already do because food is the second love of my life. He cuddles me every night and makes sure that I get lots of rest. He wanted to baby proof the apartment and I had to remind him that the child wasn't even ready to be born yet. We have started putting the nursery together though.

I finish brushing my teeth and go climb into bed. Namjoon is already there and he has his glasses on and he's reading some book that's in English. I turn out the lamp on my side of the bed. Namjoon finishes the chapter he was reading and sets the book down on the nightstand. He leans over and kisses my head. "Are you tired dear?" He asks softly and I nod. He takes off his glasses and them on the nightstand as well before turning off the light and laying down beside of me.

"I was thinking," he says as I roll over so he can spoon me. I think he likes cuddling more than I do. "Are you going to breastfeed?" I burst out laughing.

"I would have to have breast to breastfeed," I inform him.

"I know that," he says as he rubs my stomach. "Some male omegas grow breasts during pregnancy." He slides his hand up and touches my chest. My chest has been kind of sore.

"Don't get your hopes up," I tell him and he just giggles.

"Awww~ you'll always be perfect to me Jinnie~" he whispers in my ear and we fall asleep.

~three months later~

Namjoon's POV...

Since Jin's belly is noticeable, we have decided to tell all of our friends and family, and everyone congratulated us. Baekhyun, an employee at Jin's bakery, actually found out before we told everyone.

Jin accidently told him about a doctors appointment. I think Baekhyun is just as excited about the child as we are.

Jin and I both agreed that we don't want to know the gender of our child or if it's an alpha, omega, or beta. Jin told me that he thinks it's a boy. I read that an omega can usually predict the gender of their child.

My grandfather once told me that in the olden times things were much different than today. All omegas were frowned upon, boy or girl. They were frowned up because of their heats. Some people believed that they were spawns of Satan.

Looking at my beloved husband, I don't see how they could think that. I believe that he's an angel sent from the heavens.

~five months later~

Jin is now nine months pregnant. (And no, he didn't grow breasts.) The child isn't due for another two weeks. Taking care of Jin hasn't been the easiest thing to do. He's been so moody. He saw a commercial for homeless animals and didn't stop crying until I got home some ice cream. I've been very careful not to say anything that might offend him. I feel terrible leaving him home alone while I go to work everyday. Baekhyun sometimes drops by to keep him company, which makes me feel a little better.

Jin's POV...

My mother told me to expect lots of pain near the end of my pregnancy. I have felt some pain, but none that was terrible. Namjoon and I have both felt the baby kick against my stomach, and the doctor says that everything seems to be fine. It's four days before the baby's due date.

I woke up this morning with more pain than before. I didn't have as much dinner as usual last night. I climbed out of bed and went to the kitchen. I started to make myself some breakfast, and the pain kept getting worse. I'm not going into labor, I tell myself, the baby isn't due for another four days. Suddenly I feel myself getting really wet... holy shit my water just broke. I turn off the stove."Namjoon!" I scream and he comes running in. "My water just broke!" I say and his eyes go wide.

We get to the hospital delivery room. I want to start pushing, but the nurse said I wasn't ready yet and ran to get the doctor. Namjoon sat to my side and held my hand as I took deep breaths, trying not to panic. The doctor came in and looked between my legs. "Alright," he said. "You can start pushing now."

I pushed hard and it hurt like hell. I scream and squeeze Namjoon's hand. I stop and breath deeply. "Come on Jin," the doctor said. "Push harder."

"You can do it baby," Namjoon said and I squeezed his hand as I pushed even harder.

"Alright Jin," the doctor said. "One more big push!" I scream louder and push as hard as I can. Baby's cries fill the air and I look up to see the doctor holding my baby. He cut the cord. I lay back on the bed, still breathing hard. Namjoon kisses my head and the nurse takes our baby to be cleaned.

"You did great baby," my husband whispers and kisses my head. I release his hand and smile at him. I honestly don't have any words. The nurse comes back in and hands me our child wrapped in a blue blanket.

"Congratulations on your baby boy," she says as I hold him close.

"You were right," Namjoon smiles and he has tears in his eyes. "It is boy."

I smile down at my son and kiss his head. He's not crying anymore, he actually looks really sleepy.

"Let me hold him," Namjoon says, holding out his arms. "Don't drop him," I warn, knowing how clumsy my husband can be. He laughs as he takes our baby and holds him carefully.

"I would never drop our little Yoongi~"He coos and he's still silently crying. "Jinnie, I want nine more of him."

I half glare at him. "I just got done giving birth and you want to knock me up again?"

"No!" He says quickly. "Well, at least not right now. Let's just take care of Yoongi for now. Then we can give him bothers and or sisters."


Awww, okay I actually really liked writing this. This is my first time actually writing the giving birth so... yeah. :') I hope you enjoyed this and there's lots more to come! PS: I know that Jin's name is Seokjin, but I kind of see Jin as being a nickname? Also, there will be other couples like Chanbaek and a few others.

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