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Jimin's POV...

"Taemin-" I start to say but he giggles.

"You don't have to answer me right now," he says. "You can take time to think about it." We check out and head back to my house. Do I want to date Taemin? Yes. I do. Should I...? What would my parents think about me dating the guy that knocked me up? They actually like Taemin though. Still. What would that say about me? I really do like Taemin, so maybe it's worth a shot.

"Friday," I say as we reach my house.

"Huh?" He turns and look at me.

"You can take me out this Friday," I say smiling and he blushes.

"Okay," he says and smiles too. "I will."

Yoongi's POV...

Five more months until New Years. I seem to keep remembering that every time I see Hoseok. Just like I'm reminded of how lucky I am every time we go out, every time he holds my hand, and every time his lips touch mine. One of my favorite things now, is staying up late and working on songs with him.

I write the music and he writes the lyrics, but sometimes I have to help him. We enough songs now to make an album. Hoseok jokes about us becoming famous. I tell him that that will never happen. He tells me that we never know. Me famous? Yeah right.

"If you could go anywhere in the world," Hoseok says as we walk down to the ice cream shop. "Where would you go?"

"Home to you," I say and look at him just to see his cheeks redden. "It would be the perfect place to go to, and I could go there every day." Hoseok giggles and grips my hand tighter.

"You're becoming a sap," he says, smiling at me. "But I like it.." I laugh. This is complete happiness, this is true love... And I'm not sure if I can wait another five months for him to be forever.

~two weeks later~

"Hoseok...." I say gently. He keeps trying to sing one of the songs we wrote, but he can't sing the way he wants to. "We can try again tomorrow..."

"Just one more," he says. "Okay?" I sigh and start playing the piano. Hoseok starts singing again and I can't help but smile. Sometime starts smelling really sweet...Hoseok stops singing and whimpers. "Oh..." he groans and whimpers. "Yoongi..." He's in heat.

Jungkook's POV...

I sigh as I see his name on my screen. I can't believe that I actually broke up with him. The pain of knowing that he was seeing someone else behind my back became too great to bare. I don't deserve to be loved by anyone, not even by him. It made me start to wonder... Would anyone miss me if I died?

I delete his message and pretend that I didn't see it. Taehyung sends me a text.

Is Jimin happy?

He's dating Taemin now. He seems to be happy.

Do you think that he still hates me?

I don't know. You have to ask him that.

Can you get him to come see me? I don't want to come over if Yoongi is there.

He's always at college so you can come over.

Okay. Thanks Kookie.

Everyone has stopped calling me Kookie except for Taehyung. Well mom calls me that sometimes but not as much as he used to. I miss having Taehyung around. I sigh and set my phone aside.

I remember him shouting at me, saying that he's not really cheating on him. He said we weren't even dating. I was just his personal sex doll. I should have known. I can't deal with this anymore. I can't take this extreme loneliness. What did I do to deserve this kind of pain and suffering?

I walk downstairs and go out the back door. I need to clear my head. I let out a sigh as I walk down the sidewalk. Some candy would be nice... Mom can't keep candy in the house because he doesn't want Jimin to eat unhealthy food. I see the store across the street and don't bother walking to the crosswalk to cross the street...

*Evil laughter* Hahahahaha. You guys might hate me, but I hate myself even more so... Yeah. Since this update is so soon today, there might be another one. It turns out that I'm not as busy as I originally thought. Just to let you guys know, there's going to be roughly 20-30 chapters in this fic. I doubt it will go further than that. It could, I mean who knows. 

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