After Heat

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Jin's POV...

"You did talk to him about Jimin about heats right?" Namjoon asks as he takes off his shirt.

"No," I admit. "I will once his heat is over."

"Why not now?" He asks as he puts his pajama shirt on. I glare at him.

"Omegas only care about one thing during their heat," I say. "We're not interested in anything else."

Namjoon smirks and walks over to the bed and kisses me softly. "Mm~ I know~"

Jimin's heat lasted for a full week. Poor thing. The first heat is always the worst.

"Hey Jimin," I say as I come into his room. "We need to talk..."

Jimin groans and pulls himself out from under the covers. "It's finally over?" He mumble and I nod.

"Yes," I say and sit at the edge of his bed. "Are you feeling better?"

"A little," he says and looks down. "Can I go back to school now?"

"Not today," I say gently. "I'm taking you to the doctors today."

"What?!" He asks and looks at me. "I'm not sick!"

"I know," I say. "But it's better to take medication prescribed by a doctor, and I want to make that you're okay."

"What do you mean?" Jimin asks.

"Well heats are hard on an omegas body," I say softly.

"I know about heats," Jimin says. "We learned about them in health class. It's the body's way of saying that I'm ready to mate and have kids."

"I want to make something very clear," I say. "You will not mate or have children until you are married."

"I wasn't planning on it," he says, looking into my eyes. "I know that stuff is a big deal."

I smile. "Alright," I say. "Well get dressed, your appointment is in half an hour."

"Hey mom," he says as I stand up to leave. "Does that mean I can't date anyone?"

"We'll talk about that later," I say and leave the room.

Jimin's POV...

The doctor did a full examination of me and went to go get the test results. He said there's very little possibility that something is wrong with me, but there's still a small chance...

The doctor comes back and tells me that everything is fine, and gives the prescription for my medicine to my mom.

Finally I can go back to school. Taehyung was excited to see me. "I'm so glad that you're okay," he says smiling.

"Of course I am," I say smiling back at him. "You didn't tell anyone that I'm an omega did you?"

He shakes his head. "Of course not," he says. "You did go to the doctor and get prescribed medication right?"

"Yeah," I say. "My mom made sure of that."

"You can't just take any medicine," Taehyung says sternly. "Promise me you'll take it every time."

I nod. "Of course I will."

Taehyung's mom got pregnant years ago, but he had a miscarriage. The doctor said that it was because he took medication he wasn't supposed to during his last heat. His parents didn't try to have another kid after that.

Taehyung smiles a little. "Good."

Yoongi's POV...

I'm not surprised that I don't really have friends at school. Most people try to avoid me. My blonde hair didn't really help that.

All day I couldn't help but think that Jimin is at school. School with alphas. He's an omega. That really pisses me off. I don't want some alpha trying to get with my little brother.

I get home and Jungkook is on the couch crying. I walk over and sit down beside him. "Kookie, what's wrong?" I ask gently.

He just looks at me and then clings onto me. "Mommy and daddy were fighting..." he cries. "What if they get a divorce?!"

When did they fight? I missed something here. "Kookie..." I say and stroke his hair. "Mom and dad love each other very much. They're not going to get divorced over one fight."

Jungkook nods and continues clinging to me. Holding him makes me feel a little better.

Mom comes home with Jimin. Jungkook is up in his room doing his homework. "Eomma," I say and walk over to them. "Jungkook is upset."

"Why?" Mom asks. "Did something happen at school?"

"No," I say and cross my arms. "Apparently you and dad got into a fight."

Jimin looks at him. "You did?"

"I wanted seafood for dinner and your dad hates seafood," mom says. "It wasn't that serious."

"Tell that Kookie," I say. "He thinks you're getting a divorce."

Mom says and goes upstairs to Jungkook's room.

"You okay?" I ask Jimin. He nods.

"Yes," Jimin says. "A lot better now that my heat is over. Thanks for taking care of me Yoongi hyung."

"I'm your older brother," I say. "It's my job to take care of you."

This is really more of a filler chapter. I have so much planned for this story... I might update again today. (Wow 3 updates in one day, that's more than I've ever done.) For my first BTS fanfic I think it's going really well. I'm so glad that so many of you love this story and anxiously wait for upcoming chapters. You motivate me to keep writing. Thank you. 😊

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