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About Omegaverse:

Okay~ so I've noticed that some people have questions about my fic and I'm her to answer a few! First, I'm going to explain more about omega-verse.

In omega-verse people have what is called a secondary gender: Alpha, Beta, or Omega.

Alphas: They play the more dominant role relationships. Alphas female or male can not get pregnant. When Alphas present they go through what is called a rut.

Betas: Males can not get pregnant, only females can. If you don't present as an alpha or omega then you are a beta.

Omegas: They are more of the loving and naturing type. Omegas female or male can get pregnant. When Omegas present they go through what is called a heat.

An alpha bites and omega's neck to claim them as theirs, but to officially mate the omega has bite the alpha's neck as well. Mating can happen before marriage. Alphas and omegas can only have one mate, which is why most of them prefer to wait until after they are married to mate.

Once they are mated, the alpha is only attracted to their omega's scent they release during heat. Omega's scent during heat doesn't affect any other alphas beside their mate.

If alphas are related to an omega, then they are not affected by the omega's scent during heat.

Now I'm going to explain a little bit more about my fanfic.

Like I said before, if an alpha and omega are related then the alpha is not affected by the scent omega's release during heat. This explains why Yoongi wasn't affected when Jimin went into heat. It also explains why Namjoon wasn't affected either, that and the fact that he already has a mate, Jin.

Alphas who have not presented yet, are not affected by an omega's scent during heat. That's why Taehyung wasn't affected by Jimin's heat.

Like I stated in my fanfic, omegas usually present before alphas do. That's why Jimin has presented and Yoongi hasn't.

Okay, well that's it for now. If you have more questions then I will answer them, but I won't tell spoilers. I know that I said I would update Thursday, but my schedule was busier than planned. I will be updating either today or tomorrow.

Speaking of updates, I have notice that a lot of you have been asking for more updates right after I post. It usually takes me about up to 2 hours to write a chapter. As much as I would love to spend all day writing my fanfic I can't. I'm human and I have to eat and sleep and I've got friends and family to deal with. I'm really glad that so many of you like my fanfic and you can't wait for more, but please be patient with me. I have a life too. This story will not be abandoned, and I usually update within the next few days.

Thank you for reading. I love all my readers. Like I said, I plan to have the next chapter up this weekend. ~Love Brea

I wrote this part only on the amino because a few readers on there didn't quite understand what omegaverse is exactly.

About the author:

My name is Brea, as many of you know. What you don't is that I have dealt with some serious mental health issues ever since I was ten years old and my parents divorced. I finally got the help I need last year after I was in some really toxic relationships. I haven't dated since that, and to be honest I probably won't.

Jungkook and Jimin's stories are based on some stuff that I went through. Specially Jungkook's. Some of you think that his part wasn't very detailed and you're right. I have a reason for that. I wanted this story to have a good plot, but I didn't want to trigger myself by bringing back some of the darkest times in my life.

I went to a mental health care center for awhile and I felt alone when I was with people everyday. People treated me like a glass doll and it was kind of annoying, but I knew that they cared about me and didn't want to trigger me accidentally.

It was hard for me to write Jungkook's part, so that's why it's kind of lazy and I apologize for that, you guys deserve so much better.

I'm doing a lot better now, and BTS is the reason why. The really lifted my spirits this summer and I enjoyed spending my time learning about these beautiful dorks. I love them all so much. I bet you can't guess my bias though lol.

I will be continuing this story, but in a separate book because Namjin's family is all grown up. (Just in time for Kookie's Bday too.) I will post a part in this book saying when the sequel is published and the sequel will be called Families. As I said, it'll be a continuation with Sope's family~ Sope babies are happening guys! Vkook or Vmin...? Both are a possibility lol. Vmin? Taemin&Jimin? Or Jimin with someone else? I want to know what you guys think! Also, who do you Jungkook was dating~?

PS. I love you guys so much, and thank you for reading this story! I wanted a Namjin family fanfic like this one, but I couldn't find one so I wrote my own!

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