The Pain of Seeing You

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Jimin's POV...

"I want to apologize for-"

"There's no need to be sorry," I cut Taemin off. "We were both drunk." Taemin blushes and looks down. "Yeah but..." Taemin says. "You got the worst end of it..." I feel my cheeks redden. He really does feel for bad for what he did.

"I want to be in the child's life," Taemin says. "I want to take responsibility as the father." I smile at him. "Thank you," I say gently. "I was actually hoping that you would say that." 

"I told my parents about everything," Taemin says. "They hate the situation, so I'm going to get a job to help support you. I want to be here for you and our child."

"Wow," I say surprised. "Thank you so much Taemin. I'm glad that you're so willing to do this for me and our child."

"Of course," he says. "I want to come to your doctor's appointments if that's okay." I nod and smile at him. I honestly thought that he was going to be angry or say that he doesn't care. Maybe sleeping with him wasn't an accident...

Jungkook's POV...

I lay on my back, breathing heavily. This definitely wasn't the first time I had sex, but it was one of the best. "You okay?" his softy voice whispers. I roll over to look at him and nod. I always push myself to do everything he asks. I feel like I've already lost Jimin and Yoongi. My friends at school have stopped talking to me. No one cares about me except for him. That's why I must do everything he wants me to, so he doesn't leave me as well.

He kisses my head before getting up. "I'm going to get a shower." I just nod a little and lay in the warm space that he left behind. I feel like such a slut, but it's worth being loved...right? I lost everyone around me, and now I feel like I'm losing myself as well.

I close my eyes and try to fall asleep, but I hear a phone buzz. It's his, not mine. I open my eyes and sit up a little. It's a text message.

I can't wait to see you tonight babe~ I'm going to wear the outfit that you got me ;)

He's... No. No. he can't be cheating on me... He can't... He is. I get out of bed and get dressed before leaving. Walking home I tried my best not to cry, but as soon as I got home I sobbed my heart. He said that he loved me. Me and only me. He lied.

Still... I can't leave him. He is all that I have. I love him so much. I won't tell him that I know and everything can stay just as it is.

~a month later~

Jimin's POV...

Taemin is actually staying true to his words. He got a part time got as a waiter and he's been using all of his paychecks to help pay for the doctor's bills. My parents told him that he didn't have to do that, but Taemin insisted on it. Just like he insists on taking care of me. He comes over when he can to ask if I need anything. He's good company to have around. I really like Taemin.

"Is there anything besides ramen that you want?" Taemin asks as we walk down isle of the grocery store. I shake my head. "Well," I say when I think about it. "Some ice cream would be nice..." Taemin smiles at me. "Anything for you." I giggle and we go to the back where the ice cream is and I immediately  stop as I see Taehyung. We haven't talked or seen each other since he told me that Taemin was the father. I miss Taehyung. I still consider him to be my best friend.

I look away and hope that he doesn't notice me. When I look up, he's gone. I sigh, but I don't know if it's sadness or relief.

"Hey," Taemin says and I look at him. "I was thinking... Do we want to know the gender of our child or do you want to wait and have it be a surprise?"

"I think that we should know," I say. "That way we can get the nursery together." Taemin nods in agreement.

"Jimin," he says softly. "I was also thinking that... Well we have been spending so much time together and I've gotten to know you... And well I uh was just kind of wondering... Will you go out with me?"


WOW AN UPDATE! I like how I said I wouldn't post for awhile when I'm updating more than I ever have. I'm sorry guys. Thank you so much for continuing to read my story. I love you guys so much. PS. Jungkook and Jimin's stories are kind of based off of some stuff that I went through. I have had some really toxic relationships and I have been in Jungkook's shoes... I'm not writing my own life story here, but sometimes their feelings are things that I have felt in the past. I just wanted to tell you guys that. 

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