Time Has Come

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Jimin's POV...

"Taemin~" I groan. "Stop~" Taemin sighs. "But I love rubbing your belly," he says and looks up at me. "And my child is in there. I'm trying to bond with her." I laugh. I had a doctor's appointment earlier this week and confirmed that the baby is a girl.

"I'm hungry," I say and pout. "I think that...I want pickles." He looks up at me and scrunches his nose. "Pickles? Just pickles?" Taemin asks and I nod. He gets up and goes downstairs to get me some. Taemin is my boyfriend now, and it's nice.

I'm worried about Jungkook though. I have visited a few times since he moved into the mental hospital. I honestly didn't think that things were wrong with him. He seemed like a normal kid to me. I have also been talking to Taehyung, and I have decided to forgive him. It wasn't completely his fault. He didn't force the alcohol down my throat. We're slowly becoming friends again.

Taemin comes back with a jar of pickles and a fork. "This is what you want?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. I nod. "Yeah," I say and he hands it to me.

I eat a few before I get sick of them so Taemin goes and puts them back in the fridge. "Jimin..." he says hesitantly. "There's something that I have to ask you... Will you marry me?"

"W-what..?" I manage to stutter out. "Taemin-"

"Not right now," he says gently. "One day in the future though... I would like for our daughter to have her parents be together." I smile at him. He really is such a sweet guy. Would I mind marrying him? He treats me well and he isn't after my parents money...

"Okay," I say smiling. "If we are still together by the time we graduate then I will marry you." I don't think this is a serious conversation. I wonder though if Taemin actually wants to marry me or if he just wants what he thinks is best for our daughter. 

~a few months later~

Yoongi's POV...

"I love New Year's," Hoseok says with a happy sigh. I giggle and smile back at him. "Me too," I agree. Finally, tonight is the night. I know that it's cliché, but I want to wait just until midnight. Hoseok takes me to his friend Jaebum's party. Jaebum is an alpha and I feel like less of one compared to him. We hang for awhile, talking to his friends and drinking a little. We start heading back when I lead Hoseok to the park we walked through after our first date.

"What are we doing here?" Hoseok asks, giggling. I take a deep breath and get down on one knee.

"I love you Hoseok," I say. "I loved you since I first laid eyes on you. I never wanted to let you go, so I hung onto you... Which actually isn't true because you chose to stay with me. I'm the luckiest alpha in the world, because I have a literal angel who blesses me everyday. And I'm trying to be romantic, but it probably sounds more like cheesy rambling... Jung Hoseok... Will you marry me?"

I watch as his eyes fill with tears as he stares at the ring in the small box. I used up most of my saving just to buy it. Hoseok deserves the best. He nodded his head, "Yes Yoongi. I will marry you. " I smile widely and slip the ring on his finger, a perfect fit.

~a few more months later~

Jimin's POV...

"Come on baby!" Mom says. "You can do this!" I only scream louder and squeeze Taemin's hand tighter. Fuck fuck fuck FUCK! I don't wan to scream bad words so I scream loud noise instead. I hate everything, especially Taemin right now. Mom told me that things would be bad, but this is a million times worse than heats.

"One more big push!" The doctor says. I take a deep breath and push as hard as I can while I bite my lip so hard it brings blood and let out another scream. Cries fill the air and I fall back on the bed. Finally, I did it. Nine months of being pregnant and it's finally over. I brought a beautiful baby girl into the world.

The nurse takes my baby to be cleaned and make sure that's she's healthy. Taemin and my mom keep saying that I did a good job and they're proud of me. Taehyung comes in the room with pink bags. "Jimin," he says, looking at me. "Are you okay?" I just nod a little and smile.

My mom leaves to go get my father, so Taehyung sits in his seat. "Taemin...." Taehyung sighs. "We need to tell him the truth. It's been nine months."

"This was your plan from the beginning," Taemin says. "I'm not backing out now."

"You do realize that I am right here?" I ask and look between them.

"You didn't just sleep with Taemin that night," Taehyung says. "We had a threesome. He didn't want me to tell you and I didn't want to say that I slept with you because I thought you would hate me even more. That's why we aren't friends like we used to be, that's why I have been distancing myself from you."

"What?!" I exclaim. "You mean- So the child really can be yours and not his?" I look between the two of them again.

Taemin sighs and starts to cry. "Taehyung... He was fine with not knowing..."

"You just want the child to be yours," Taehyung snaps. "So you can marry Jimin and get your uncle's money. I'm done with keeping secrets. I'm done lying. Spending time with Jungkook has changed me. I see things differently now. I'm not the same person. I'm so very sorry Jimin. You have the right to know the truth."

"I want a DNA test," I say and look at both of them. "I want to know who the real father is before anything else.


Yeah so...BOOM! DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING DID YOU?! Anways. It's 1AM and I have school tomorrow which means I have to get up by 6AM. Why do I do this to myself? For those of you interested in my Markson fanfic, I will say when I post it. I will be posting it on Wattpad, AO3, and GOT7 amino. I have no plans for tomorrow so there might be an update. (Nothing is for certain though.)

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