Baby Steps

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Yoongi's POV...

I tried to resist Hoseok. I really did try...but he was in heat, begging for me and his scent clogged up my brain so I couldn't think straight. I got out of bed and took a shower, I got a pill for Hoseok and a glass of water for when he wakes up. I run out to get us breakfast. I'm standing in line when my phone rings. "Hello?" I answer.

"Yoongi..." Mom's voice came across the phone, filled such sadness and sorrow. I know that something is wrong. "Jungkook is in the hospital. He got hit by a car last night."

Jungkook's POV...

I don't know how long I have been asleep, but I rather not be awake. It's hard to breathe, and I can't feel my legs. "Jungkook!" Mom exclaims and rushes to my side. "You're awake! My sweet precious baby..." He starts sobbing as he holds onto me. My dad wakes up and it looks like he hasn't slept in days. Have I been here for days? His eyes go wide and leaves the room. Jimin, Yoongi, and Hoseok come in shortly after he's gone. They all look terrible. I caused them this much trouble by almost dying? They do care about me?

Taehyung comes in the room. I can tell he's been crying. He cares about me too? They care about me, all of them. "'Shh," mom whispers in my ear. "Please don't cry baby. Everything will be alright."

~a week later~

I finally came clean. I realize that I'm not okay, and that I do need help. They're sending me to a mental hospital as soon as my physical injuries heal. The doctor said that I had a low possibility of ever walking again. Taehyung often comes to see me. I enjoy his company. He said that he'd come visit me in the mental hospital too.

My (ex)boyfriend never came to see me. I'm not surprised. He never cared about me, I see that now.

"Hey Kookie," Taehyung smiles at me as he comes into the room. "I brought you something~"

I look up at him, "What is it?" He walks over and sets a blue bag down in front of me. "Open it," he says smiling.

I open the bag and inside is a sketch book and pencils with a sharpener and eraser. I look up at Taehyung who is still smiling. "I thought you would like them," he says and sits in the chair beside of my bed. "I do," I say smiling back at him. "Thank you Taehyung."

Yoongi's POV...

I look up from my laptop to see Hoseok looking worried. I frown. "What's wrong?" I ask softly. I remember what we did during his heat... "You're not pregnant are you...?" He looks up at me and I feel a wave of panic rush through me.

"No," he says. "It's just... I feel like we rushed things now...and I guess that-"

"Did you not like it?" I ask. Hoseok smiles. "I liked it a lot," he giggles and then sighs. "I guess that I was just expecting something out of a romance novel."

"We can take a trip," I say. "We can go somewhere really fancy, and rent a nice hotel-"

"And you can be a real prince charming~" Hoseok says with a smirk and laughs. I laugh with him.

"And we used protection remember?" Hoseok says, still laughing. "I seriously doubt that I'm pregnant. I rather have kids after we're married."

I blush deeply. Hoseok said after WE are married. He does want to marry me. I sigh happily. "I love you Hoseok," I say and kiss him softly.

"I love you too," he whispers against my lips.

AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. OKAY SO YEAH I BROUGHT LOVE YOURSELF AND THE MVS INTO THIS I'M NOT SORRY. Okay, I'm done scream lol. This isn't my only kpop fanfic. I have written some Chanbaek stuff, and I'm going to be writing a Markson fanfic. (I WILL GO DOWN WITH THIS SHIP,FIGHT ME!)

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