Brothers From Different Mothers

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Jin's POV...

I always thought that babies cried a lot, but Yoongi is surprisingly quiet. The doctor said that there's nothing wrong with him. Namjoon said that maybe he's just really happy. I don't know.

I'm in the kitchen getting dinner ready and Baekhyun is playing with Yoongi in the living room. "I hope that I can have a baby as cute as you~" I hear Baekhyun say.

I smile. Baekhyun does have a boyfriend, Chanyeol. Baekhyun said that they talked about getting married after school and raising a family, I hope that they do.

"Hey Namjoon," I say as we finish washing the dishes. "I think we should hire a babysitter. We both work and we need someone to watch Yoongi."

"Or you can be a stay at home parent," Namjoon says in a soft voice. "You can watch Yoongi all day, instead of some stranger."

"Mmmm," I hum, thinking about the idea. "I much rather watch him than a stranger. I guess I could put Baekhyun in charge and hire a few more people."

That's what I did. I still own the place and work there when Namjoon has a day off. Everything seems to be working smoothly and I like that.

~2 Years Later~

Namjoon's POV...

It's been two wonderful years since we first brought our Yoongi home. Everything has been great. I got a promotion last year, so I'm making twice as much.

"Good morning," I whisper in Jin's ear. He giggles and rolls over to face me. "Good morning Joonie," he whispers.

I kiss him softly. "Hey baby..."

"What?" He whispers, looking up at me.

"Don't you think it's about time we give Yoongi a little bother or sister?" I bite my lip, waiting for my husband's response. He smiles.

"Don't you have some banquet thing to go to?" Jin whispers. I nod. "Yeah," I say. "But that's next month."

"We'll try for another kid after then," he whispers and I kiss him again.

Jin's POV...

It's a week before the banquet and I realized that I don't have anything to wear to it. Namjoon and I both decided to go shopping for suits and we let Baekhyun and Chanyeol babysit, they're engaged now and plan to get married later this year.

After a couple of hours of trying on clothes, we finally found some suits to wear. I'm only half way dressed and suddenly the door to the dressing room opens and Namjoon comes in.

He smirks and I know what that means. He grabs me by the hips and pulls me close and kisses me deeply. "I can't wait another week," he whispers against my lips.

I can't deny him, and I honestly don't want to. I don't want to wait another week, I've already waited two years. "Me either," I whisper. "But, we should get home..."

"Not if you be quiet~" he whispers and starts kissing down my neck.

~a few weeks later~

Namjoon's POV...

I come home from work and Jin comes to the door to greet me. "Welcome home," he says and kisses my cheek.

"You're not mad that I'm late?" I ask gently. I've been trying to come early, but my boss keeps sending me more work.

"No," Jin says. "Because I know that you'll come home earlier from now on."

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