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Jungkook's POV...

Jimin has locked himself away. Instead of going out every night, he locks himself in his room and I never see him come out. I've tried to get him to open the door a few times, but he doesn't answer me. I know that he doesn't hate me; he's trying to make up his mind about what to do with the baby.  I have something that I want to tell him but I can't.

My phone buzzes and I smile because I already know who it is.

Hey babe, do you think that you can come over tonight?


On what?

What are we going to do~?

Whatever you want to ;)

I haven't told anyone yet, but I'm kind of dating this guy. He's older than me, but he's really handsome, and kind. I met him online and we've been talking a lot. I do like this guy, a lot actually. It's nice to know that someone cares about me, someone loves me.

Mom forced Jimin out of the house today, so I'm home alone. The doorbell rings and I go to answer the door. Taehyung is standing there and he looks like he has been crying for days. "What do you want Taehyung?" I ask and step outside to talk to him.

"I want to talk to Jimin..." he says and his voice wavers.

"Well he's not here right now," I say and look into his eyes. "I would chew you out for how irresponsible you were, but I'm not your mom."

"You're not innocent you know," he snaps at me. "I saw you there that night. Drunk off your ass and making out with some pedophile. Do your parents know about that?"

"Oh just shut up," I snap back. "This isn't about me. Nobody notices me. Nobody cares about what I do. I might as be invisible. You took Jimin to that party, not me. You abandoned him at that party and let someone rape him, not me. I thought you would watch after him, take care of him. Like an alpha should."

Taehyung growls and clenches his fists. "Listen," he says lowly. "I didn't come here to get yelled at. I didn't come here to beg for Jimin's forgiveness, because I sure as hell don't deserve it. I came here to tell JImin... I know who the father of his child is."

"Who is it?" I ask and cross my arms.

"I'm not telling you," Taehyung says and punches the door next to my head. I stare into his eyes. I'm not afraid of him. I never have been. He takes his hand away and steps back. He turns around. "I'll wait for Jimin to come home then."

"Whatever," I scoff at him and go back inside.

Taehyung and I have never gotten along, but it wasn't ever this bad before. Screw him. Who needs him anyways? I have one person who would give me the world if I asked for it. I glance at the window and Taehyung I still there so I go sneak out the back.

I'm coming over. I text him.

Yoongi's POV...

I've literally had the best night of my life. I took Hoseok out for a proper date, we went to dinner and then walked through the park. I've spent a lot of time with Hoseok before, but this was completely different. There wasn't anything between us anymore. I felt nervous before I saw him smile at me, and the rest of the night was just a feeling of pure happiness. This must be what young love feels like.

Hoseok kissed me goodnight, and it was nice, sweet, gentle, and slow. Honestly when I first met him, I never saw this coming. At one point I kept thinking that it was only a matter of time before he left me, but he never did. There's no doubt anymore about our feelings for each other.

I know that it's too soon in our relationship... But I do wish to marry Hoseok. I can't see my life without him in it. My hearts almost breaks with the thought of Hoseok being with someone else.

I walk back to my dorm, which is empty, thank God. Mark and Jackson are probably fucking at some party, or in their car. I get ready for bed and my phone starts ringing. It's Jimin. I haven't talked to him since he found out he was pregnant. I answer it.

"Hello," I say.

"Yoongi..." Jimin sighs. "What do you think I should do?"

"It's your choice Jimin," I say gently.

"I know that," he says. "I can't get an abortion... I couldn't live with myself if I did. But how can I go on with my life with a child? Could I have a successful career and be a teenage parent? And if I give the baby away... I'll never see them again..."

"Jimin," I say with a sigh. "Listen, I know that you didn't want this, but it's still your child. If you're strongly against abortion then don't do it, you'll regret it forever. And if you really want the child in your life, don't give it away, keep it."


WHOOO! I updated so soon! I won't be updating for awhile, I'll be busy all weekend and Monday. I'll try to tell you guys when I update, because some of you are literally obsessed with my story and I honestly just can't believe that so many of you love my story.  I don't have an update schedule, because it would be a totally lie. (*cue Caught in a Lie*)

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