Oh No, Oh No No No

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Jimin's POV...

"You sure that it's okay with you parents?" Taehyung asks, looking up from his book.

"It's okay with Yoongi," I say and he rolls his eyes. "That's not the same thing," he complains. "Yoongi doesn't care what you do now that he has a boyfriend."

"I never said that he had a boyfriend," I point out. "I said, I think he has a boyfriend. Anyways, is sneaking out past curfew okay with your parents?"

"Of course not," Taehyung says. "But that's not what I was asking about."

"You mean about me spending the night with you?" I ask and he nods.

"Things are... different now," he says and looks down. "I presented as an alpha... and you're an omega with irregular heat cycles..."

"I have been taking medication for years," I say. "Nothing is going to happen. I trust you."

Taehyung looks up at me, and I can tell that he doesn't know what to say; he's debating whether to say anything at all. I sigh and shake my head.

"Let's just go," I say and walk out of his room.

Yoongi's POV...

"Nooooo," I whine. "I'm exhausted Hoseok... Let's just stop here for the night."

"Okay," he sighs. "But you're staying at my dorm tonight."

"Why?" I giggle.

"Because you've been drinking," he says and gestors to the empty bottle on the piano. I groan and stand up. "It's not my first time and it won't be my last," I grumble.

"We'll see if you say that tomorrow," Hoseok laughs, and we walk back to his dorm room. I like Hoseok's dorm, because he has it all to himself. I share a dorm room with Mark and Jackson... they're too much for me so I try to avoid them.

Hoseok helps me inside and over to the bed. "I'm not drunk," I say as I take off my shoes. "There was barely anything left in that bottle."

"Still," Hoseok says. "It's my job to watch after you, so get comfortable and get some sleep."

"What about you?" I ask, looking up at him.

"I have a report due tomorrow," he sighs. "And I've kind of been putting it off." I nod and take off my jacket, Hoseok takes it and puts up. I lay down and watch as he goes over to his desk and sits down. He turns on the computer and the screensaver is a picture of us from this past summer. I smile and close my eyes.

I wake up and feel something soft on my lips. I open my eyes and... Hoseok is kissing me?! He pulls away and opens his eyes. He stares at me with wide eyes and his jaw dropped for a long time before he starts rambling apologies over and over.

"Hoseok," I say but he keeps talking. "Hoseok!" He stops and I notice the tears in his eyes.

"I have wanted to kiss you for years.." I say quietly and his cheeks turn bright pink.

Hoseok really likes me back... Maybe, just maybe... I do deserve him. Hoseok could have anyone, that's why I never even hinted that I liked him that way, I didn't want him to feel like he had to date me just because I like him. Hoseok actually likes me though, all of me. He knows every single thing about me, and now, there is nothing that I haven't told him about. That's another reason why I never said anything. I always want Hoseok in my life, and I never want to do anything to ruin it.

Jimin's POV...

As I open my eyes, I realize that I remember nothing from last night. I went somewhere with Taehyung... I look around and I have no idea where I am. I start to panic and- oh fuck no. I'm naked, in some stranger's bed. What the fuck happened last night? Why does that even matter? It's daylight and my parents know that I'm not at home, I'm so dead. I start breathing heavily and I'm burning up... shit. I forgot to take my meds this morning, and now I'm in heat! I really want to cry. No Jimin. You need to get up and call Taehyung, wherever the hell he is.

I force myself out of bed and my clothes are in the floor. I put them on, which only makes me hotter. My phone is only the nightstand. I pick it up and call Taehyung, but it goes straight to voicemail. I don't want to call mom and dad, I can't!

"Yoongi..." I whimper when he picks up. "I need you..."


Sorry not sorry for the little cliffhanger! I will try to update before the weekend! Like I have said before there is a lot planned for this story, and I came up with some new ideas, so ask of you to please continue to read this story if you like. Your nice comments motive me to write.

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