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Namjoon's POV...

"Jin," I say with a sigh. I hate when his phone goes to voicemail. "I'm going home early. Jungkook called me, he thinks that Jimin is in heat again. Please come home when you get this. I love you."

It's only been a week. Jimin can't be in heat again, and if he is then something is wrong with him. I rush home and the scent hits me. Jimin is definitely in heat.

"Daddy!" Jungkook runs up to me and grabs my hand. "Help Jimin! I called eomma but he wouldn't answer!"

"Where's Yoongi?" I ask him and stroke his hair.

"I don't know!" Jungkook yells. I sigh and knock on Jimin's door. "Jimin-"

"Go away!" Jimin yells and groans. My phone starts ringing and I answer it. "Hello?"

"Namjoon! I can't come home right now!" Jin says frantically.

"Why not?!" I ask.

~a few hours earlier~

Yoongi's POV...

I can't. I can't do this anymore. I storm outside the school building and sit against the wall. I can't go to school anymore. I just can't.

I embarrassed myself in front of everyone. I put my face in my hands and cry.

"Yoongi," I hear Hoseok's voice say. He sits down beside me. "In a day or so everyone will have forgotten about it." He puts a hand on my back. I hate for people to see me like this, weak and pathetic.

I sniffle and force myself to stop crying. I wipe my eyes and look at Hoseok. "I'm sorry..." I whisper. He smiles slightly. "Don't be. You got nervous, it happens."

"All I had to do was go in front of the class and speak," I whisper. "And I couldn't even do that."

Hoseok frowns and brushes my hair back. I wish I wasn't so damn nervous all the time.

"Thank you Hoseok," I whisper. "For being here with me. You're a good friend."

Hoseok smiles and blushes. "I try to be." I sigh and let myself relax. I've only known Hoseok for a week, but things with him are... easier. I just wish I could feel like I wasn't a burden to him.

School is over and I go to find Hoseok. I had to force him to go back to class, I didn't want him to fail because of me. I walk into the parking lot and see two guys, either alphas or betas, beating someone up. Hoseok!

I glare at them and run over there. I pull Hoseok away from the two assholes.

"Ohh," one of them smirks. "Are you here to blubber some more nonsense before running away like a crybaby?"

They hurt Hoseok. I punch the guy right in the nose and he stumbles back.

"Yoongi!" Hoseok gasps.

They fight was all a blur. The last thing I remember is seeing a shiny blade stab me in the stomach and then everything went black.

Jimin's POV...

All day my stomach has been hurting and I've been really hot. I take deep breaths as I walk to the bathroom. "Are you feeling okay?" Taehyung asks and I shake my head. My legs feel weak so I slide down the wall and sit on the floor. Taehyung wets a paper towel. He gets down on his knees and puts it on my forehead.

"Wow," he says. "You're really hot." I just nod.

"I need to go home," I mumble.

"I'll call my mom to pick you up," Taehyung says and gets out his phone.

"Hurry," I whimper. "I think that I'm in heat."


Namjoon's POV...

"Why?!" I ask.

"I'm at the hospital with Yoongi," Jin says. "There was a fight at school and they guy he fought with had a knife..."

"Oh my God!" I exclaim. "He's okay right?! Please tell me he's okay."

"He's going to be okay," Jin says and sniffles. "I'm really worried about him... We really need to talk with him."

"Okay," I say with a sigh. "I'll be right there-"

"No," Jin says. "You can't leave Jimin alone. They aren't keeping Yoongi overnight, so we'll be home later. I love you."

"I love you too," I say softly. "Tell Yoongi that I love him."

"Of course," Jin says and hangs up.

"Jimin," I say. "Please, just take your medicine."

"No daddy!" Jungkook says. "He needs a cold bath first."

"You go get the bath ready," I tell Jungkook. "And I'll get his medicine."

Ooohhhh~ okay I'm going to leave this tiny cliffhanger here. School freaking SUCKS. (Someone please kill me. I will pay you.) I might update again tonight. I'm going to try to update everyday after school if I can.

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