I've Made Up My Mind

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Jimin's POV...

"Mom... Dad..." I say as I come into their bedroom. Dad finishes brushing his teeth, and mom looks up from his laptop.  "I've decided that I want to keep the baby. I didn't ask for it, and I didn't want it... But I just can't abanden it. It's my child too. I can't get rid of it."

Mom smiles a little, "Come here." I sit down beside him in bed and he hugs me tightly. "I'll take extra good care of you okay?"

"You?" Dad asks, looking at mom. "You've never delt with a pregnant omega."

"And you've never been pregnant," mom says and dad just laughs, I laugh too.

"We'll both take extra good care of you," mom says, looking at me and he kisses my head. I smile and get up.

"I should get to bed," I say. "I need my sleep."

We say goodnight and I go up to my room. I'm glad that Yoongi was able to help me make my decision.

Why don't I just block Taehyung's number? I sigh and give in, I answer. "What is it Taehyung?"

"Jimin," he says gently. "I know that you hate me, but please listen... I know who the father of my child is."

"Who is it?" I snap at him. "Is it you?"

Jin's POV...

"I'm glad that Jimin didn't want to get an abortion," I tell Namjoon. "I'm glad that he wants to keep the child too."

"What about his future though?" Namjoon asks.

"He's not going to throw away his future just because he had a child when he was a teenager," I say. "And do you know why? Because he has good parents who will help him. No one can do everything on their own, we all need help sometimes."

Namjoon smiles and kisses me softly. "You're really smart sometimes."

"Sometimes?" I ask teasingly. "What am I other times?"

Namjoon smirks. "Sexy~"

I laugh and kisses my cheek and down my neck. "You've been too stressed lately," he whispers against my skin and moves a hand up my leg.

"Mmm," I hum. "I could use some help with relaxing..."

"We should get away for the weekend," Namjoon whispers and starts pulling down my shirt to kiss my chest.

"Can we do some relaxing before then?" I whisper.

"Absolutely," Namjoon whispers and climbs on top of me.


Hey! Two updates in one day? Who even am I? Lol. Anyways, I know that this chapter is really short, but the next one will be longer. (That's the plan anyways.)

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