The First Goodbye

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Yoongi- 18
Jimin- 16
Jungkook- 14

Namjoon's POV...

"Come on guys!" I yell. "We're going to be late for your brother's graduation!"

Jin comes in the room and he's crying into a tissue. I walk over and wrap my arm around him. "Baby please don't cry," I say gently and kiss his head. "How can I not?" He cries.

Honestly, I want to cry too. Our first baby boy is all grown up. He's going to move out, go to college, and start a family of his own...

Jimin and Jungkook coming running down the stairs. "We're ready!" They say at the same time.

~a few months later~

Yoongi's POV...

Over the past few years, I've changed a lot. A lot of things have changed. One thing is still the same though.

"Yoongi!" Hoseok calls and waves at me. My heart still flutters when I see him. I still feel flustered around him. I'm still in love with him, and I still don't deserve him.

I thought college would be even worse than high school, but it's actually good since Hoseok is there with me. 

"I was thinking..." Hoseok says and his cheeks turn pink. "You've written a bunch of songs on the piano... Could I write the lyrics? That way it would be like a real song?" 

My parents thought it would be a good idea for me to learn music a few years ago, and I'm actually good at it; at least I think so. 

"I don't know..." I say, and he starts looking at me with those damn puppy dog eyes that work on me every single time. "Okay, fine." He smiles widely. 

Jin's POV...

"Hey Jimin-" I started to say but he was already out the door. He was going to see Taehyung again. He's always out with him and his other friends.

"Hey Jungkook!" I call and he comes running into the living room.

"Yes mom?" He asks and sits down beside of me.

"You'll never leave me right?" I ask.

"Like Yoongi did?" He asks. "All children leave their parents mom..."

I hug him tightly. "I know..." I say with a sad sigh.  

Jungkook's POV... 

"Yoongi..." I say with a sigh. "I know that you're busy with college and all, but you should come home some time. Mom really misses you. You leaving made him realize how old he really is... Dad misses you too. We all do. It's been lonely since you left. Jimin is never home anymore, he's always with Taehyung..." I feel my eyes start to water so I hang up. It was just his voicemail anyway, it always is.  

I wonder what Yoongi does at college and what Jimin does with Taehyung. Things were so much better when Yoongi was here. I remember when I was little and Yoongi hated Taehyung and claimed Jimin as his.  

Mom and dad went out tonight, so I'm home by myself. Is this what being an adult is like? I can see how Yoongi would like it. 


I'm sorry that this is such a short chapter, and I'm also sorry that I took so long to update. I have so much more planned, so I'm sorry that this chapter is sort of a filler. 

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