Beginning of the Teen Years

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Yoongi- 15
Jimin- 13
Jungkook- 11

Jimin's POV...

I'm struggling to keep my grades up. Why? My older brother has decided to blast his music as loud as he can when both of my parents are gone; and our mom is working more since he expects Yoongi to watch after us. Most of the time his music is American artists screaming nonsense as loud as they can.

Today the house is surprisingly quiet. "Ah shit!" Yoongi yells. I wait a minute and I don't hear Jungkook cry, so that's good. I go to Yoongi's room and he's not there. I knock on the bathroom door. "Yoongi hyung?" I ask.

"Go away Jimin!" He snaps back.

"Is everything okay?" I ask gently and he groans.

"Yes!" He says and he opens the door. "Is it bad...?"

Oh. My. God.

"You bleached your hair....?" I ask, staring at his blonde head.

"Oh my God," he says and turns around. "It's even worse than I thought..."

"No!" I say quickly. "It's not bad at all. Just, different."

Yoongi turns around and faces me. "You're not lying to me are you?" I shake my head, "No."

He lets out a sigh. "I thought I messed it up..."

"No," I say. "It's actually a decent job. But umm why did you do it?"

"Because I can," he snaps and slams the door shut.

I suddenly start to feel really hot. Why? I take a breath and go back to my room. I close the door and take off my hoodie. I'm still hot. I turn on the fan.

I glance at the clock, ten minutes have gone by and I'm only getting hotter. I take off my shirt and slip off my jeans. My knees start feeling weak so I lay down on the bed.

I close my eyes and take deep breaths. Wait... I learned about this in health class. Am an omega... I'm in heat.

"YOONGI!" I yell. "Call mom!"

Jin's POV...

I get in my car and my phone starts ringing. I just got off work and I stopped at the grocery store to get ingredients to make dinner.

I take out my phone and answer it. "Hello?"

"Eomma..." Yoongi says worriedly. Oh God. If Yoongi's worried something must be seriously wrong. "You need to get home right now. Jimin is having his first heat."

"I'll be right there," I say and start the car. "Make sure that all the doors and windows are locked." I hang up and call Namjoon.

"Namjoon!" I exclaim. "I need you to go to the drug store and get heat suppressants."

"Why?" He asks. "Did you run out?"

"No," I say. "Jimin is having his first heat!" I hang up and put my phone down. I drive home as fast as possible. I unlock the door and lock it back after I'm inside.

I can smell the sweet scent filling the air. I go upstairs and knock on Jimin's door. "Jimin," I say softly. "It's mom. Listen, I'm going to start a cold bath for you okay?"

No response. I sigh and go to the bathroom. I turn the water all the way on cold and let it fill the tub. Jimin comes in, wearing a bathrobe and he looks miserable.

"Eomma..." he whines.

"I know sweetie," I say gently. "Your father is coming to bring you some medicine. Just get in the tub okay?"

He nods a little and I leave the room, shutting the door behind me.

I can't believe that this day is finally here. I thought Yoongi would have presented first since he's the oldest, but omegas usually present earlier than alphas do.

"I'm here!" Namjoon calls and I hear him run up the stairs. He hands me the bag of medication. "I'm coming back in," I tell Jimin before opening the door.

He looks a little better. I read the directions on the back of the package before giving two of the pills to Jimin and getting him a glass of water. "It'll take a few minutes before they start to work," I say softly.

"I want to go back to bed..." he mumbles.

"I know," I say gently. "But just stay here for a few minutes okay? I'll make you some ramen." I brush his hair back and he just nods. He takes shaky breaths as I get up and leave.

"Jimin is going to be okay right?" Jungkook asks as I enter the kitchen.

"Of course," I say and start making the ramen. "He's just going through a heat right now."

"What's that?" He asks curiously.

"It's just something that happens to omegas," I tell him. I don't want to lie to him, but he's too young to know the truth.

Jimin's POV...

The last I remember is eating my mom's ramen. My entire body feels weak and sore. I groan in pain. Why do I have to be an omega? I wanted to be an alpha.

My phones buzzes and I look at it. It's a text from Taehyung asking why I wasn't at school today. I slept throughout the entire day? I look at the date on my phone and I did.

Do I just come out and tell him? I guess so...

Me: "Taehyung, I had to miss school because of my heat."

Taehyung: "You're an omega?!"

Me: "Yeah. I am."

Taehyung: "Don't worry. I will protect you no matter what. No alpha will lay a hand on you."

I smile at his message. He really cares about me. He's such a good friend.

My door opens and Yoongi is standing there. "Ah," he says. "You're finally awake. We were starting to worry."

I sit up and put my phone aside. "I'm fine," I say. "I just-"

"Yeah, mom told me," he says and walks over to me and sits on the bed. "You're sore and weak, which is normal. Your heat should only last a few more days."

I nod. "How did mom and dad react to your hair?"

"I think they're too concerned about you to notice," he says and smiles. "I stayed home today to watch you. Is there anything that you need?"

"Mm," I hum. "Something to eat would be nice."

Yoongi kisses my head before leaving. He hasn't kissed my head since.... It's been so long I can't remember. He's a good brother when he wants to be.

Wow, this is a lot longer than I thought it would be. Today is my last day of summer.😭 I'm going to miss late nights, and clear conscious. I also won't be able to update as much as I would like to, so I'll most like update on the weekends.

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