Don't Worry

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Yoongi- 19


Jungkook- 15

Jimin's POV...

I look down at the beautiful baby girl in my arms. Taemin and I had a few names picked out, but didn't decide on one. Taehyung explained what was going on to the doctor and now we're waiting for the results. I'm hurt, by both of them. I can't believe they would do this to me. The doctor comes back with a clipboard in his hands.

Yoongi's POV...

"I want yellow flowers," Hoseok says. I look at him and raise an eyebrow. "Yellow flowers? Just yellow?" I ask. We have been planning our wedding for awhile now. We decided that the wedding would be at the end of summer and the beginning of fall, but we haven't set an exact date. "How about roses instead?" I ask.

"Can they be yellow?" Hoseok asks. "It's the color of happiness." I sigh and shake my head. "How about I pick the flowers and you can decide the flavor of the cake?" He thinks for a second. "Mmm," he hums. "Okay." I smile at him.

I learned how to work with Hoseok without bossing him around. I was used to always telling Jimin and Jungkook what to do. They don't need me now though. I look at Hoseok and I can imagine looking at him every night when I go to bed and waking up to him every morning, and watching him grow old with me. I can imagine him having our kids and raising them with him. I never saw my life so clearly before.

"Yoongi," Hoseok snaps his fingers under my nose and I jump a little. "Oh," I say. "Sorry I zoned out for a minute." He just giggles and goes back to looking through the wedding magazine.

Jungkook's POV...

I can't believe that I could be here my whole life. My consular says that's unlikely, but... As look around, I feel like I can see myself as one of them. I've been here for so long. I don't have any way of keeping track of time here. I'm glad that I can walk again, so I won't be in that chair forever. I still don't know anyone here that well. There's a girl who talks and argues with herself sometimes. There's a boy who lurks around like he's look for his next prey, but never does anything. There's another guy who will scream at random times for no reason. There's a girl who acts like two totally different people, and it's scary how fast she changes. Am I really as crazy as some of them? Taehyung comes back and reminds that I'm not, but it's been so long since he came to see me. Does he not care to see me anymore? He told me that Jimin was supposed to have his baby any day now. Was it today? Yesterday? Will it be tomorrow? I'm completely cut off from the outside world, unless Taehyung or my family comes in to tell me what's going on. Yoongi has come to see me a few times, and he's always so jumpy when he does, like he's scared of something. Mom, dad, and Jimin usually come together. Dad acts like every word he says could trigger me into wanting to die again. Mom tries to keep the conversation light, and so does Jimin. Jimin stopped coming when he reached eight months though.

I don't want to die anymore, but apparently I'm still not better. What is wrong with me? They said that I'm depressed. Am I? I don't feel sad, I'm just lonely. They said I would be here a year at most, but I feel like they're lying to me.

I have five sketches books filled with drawings. I hope that Taehyung comes to see me soon, and brings me another one. Some more pencils would be good too.

Namjoon's POV...

"Jin," I say softly and he rolls over at look at me. "Do you just ever feel old?"

"We're not that old," Jin whispers. "Our first son is just getting married, and our second child has a child, and our third child... I think we should be more worried about our parenting then our age."

"Jin," I say gently. "We are good parents, okay? Stop blaming us for their mistakes. Like you said, Yoongi is getting married. He found the love of his life, so I think we did something right." Jin smiles and kisses my softly, even after all these years I still love kissing him. We might be old, but our love will never die.

Awwwww~ Namjin~ Anyways, my Markson fanfic has been posted on, Wattpad, AO3, GOT7 amino, and Markson amino. I also added the ages in this one, because some of forget how old they are... I honestly forgot how old they are. I realized there has barely been any actual Namjin? I'm going to fix that. I also have another Namjin fanfic planned, a college AU, and I'm planning on doing a one shot book, and yes I will be taking requests! I will let you guys know when any of these things have been posted. I'm glad that you guys not only like my plot, but also my writing style. I really want to be an author one day, so that really means a lot to me.

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