The End

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Yoongi- 21
Jimin- 19
Jungkook- 17

Jungkook's POV...

"No freaking way!" I exclaim. "Yoongi that's amazing! I'm so happy for you!"

"It's just an audition Jungkook," he laughs. "Lots of people will be there and they'll want people more experienced."

"They want people who are talented," I tell him. "And you're really talented, Hoseok is too. When you become famous you have to buy us tickets so we can watch you preform."

Yoongi laughs so hard I think he's crying. "Sure," he says. "Whatever Kookie. Bye, love you."

"I love you too," I tell him and hang up.

Taehyung gasps and I turn around to see him staring wide eyed in the door way.

"Wow," he says. "You're art is stunning. You'll definitely get into that art school."

"The one in America?" I ask. "I don't think so... I mean... that's really scary. I'm not applying."

"Why not?" Taehyung pouts. "You could be a famous artist Kookie!"

Yoongi being famous for his music? Believable. Me famous for my art? Not a chance. It would be nice though. I'm much happier than I was a few years ago. I feel like a completely different person. Like all that bad stuff was me in a different life time. I try not to think about it. Sometimes I can't help it, but Taehyung is always there to help me through even my worse days. I'm glad that he's my best friend.

"I would have to leave you though," I say and bite my lip.

"You would get to follow your dream," he says, smiling a little.

Jimin's POV...

"Jimin! Jimin~ Wake up~" he says and shakes me awake. I smile up at Taemin.

"Five more minutes," I whisper and close my eyes. Taemin sighs.

"Jisoo wants you though," he say and kisses me softly. I kiss back gently. "She needs her mommy~"

I blush and laugh. "Don't say it like that!" I say and sit up. He smirks. "Mommy~"

I get my pillow and smack him with it, causing him to laugh. Taemin goes to take a shower as I get out of bed.

Two years ago I thought that Taemin was just using me, but he wasn't. He did want his uncle's money, but he wants me more. He has always treated me like I'm a prince and mom said that how I should be treated.

I love Taemin, I really do. And I know that he loves me. I guess that's why I'm living in a tiny apartment with him. My parents come over to watch Jisoo while Taemin and I are at school.

I wanted to hire a sitter but mom said that he loves spending time with Jisoo. I called Yoongi the other day and told him that he should have kids already so mom would bother him too. He has one more year of college left, and he said that he's have children after he gets a good job.

I'm glad that Taemin got his uncle's money. Otherwise I'd still be living with my parents.

Jin's POV...

I come home and all the lights are off, but I see something glowing in the kitchen so I follow it. Namjoon is standing in front of the table, which has a beautiful meal laid out.

"Did you....?"

"Oh no," he says with a laugh. "You know that I can't cook Jin. I called in a few favors."

"So you do remember our anniversary," I say smirking a little.

"I forgot one time!" Namjoon exclaims and laughs. "And now I'll never hear the end of it!"

"Nope~" I walk over and kiss him lovingly.

Jungkook... our baby boy... he'll be all grown up soon. I'm too old to have any more kids. I don't have heats anymore so the factory is closed. Maybe having ten kids would have been a good thing...

Namjoon pulls away. "Jin. I know that you worry you're silly little mind too much. But look, everything turned out fine. All of our kids are happy and healthy now. That's all that matters right?"

I nod. "You're right," I smile and kiss him again. "I love you so much." I whisper against his lips.

"You can show me how much you love me after dinner~" he whispers, smirking.

I'm sad to say that this is the end of the Namjin family because the kids are all grown up. Not to fear! The sequel Families (that's the name of it) will be posted very soon. It will have Sope's family for sure. Many of you keep reminding me that I never said who Jungkook was dating... I'll ask you, who do you think it was? Also Vkook and Taemin&Jimin aren't for certain. Some of you guys want Vmin and some of you want Jimin with Taemin, and some of you want Jimin with someone else. So if Jimin isn't with V or Taemin, then who should he be with? I want to know what you guys think. Thanks to everyone who continued to read this story. I love you all so very much, and I hope that you read the sequel. I will tell you when it's been posted.😊💖

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