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~2 years later~

Namjoon's POV...

I look back at our small apartment with a sigh. We were moving out. It was just too small for the four of us. We found a bigger house and that's where we are going. I feel sad leaving this place. We've spent the last four years here. I'm going to miss this place.

"Namjoon," Jin calls. "Yoongi is getting impatient and he keeps waking up Jimin." I sigh. Yoongi hates to be woken up, but he has no problem waking up us, or his brother.

"Coming!" I call as I shut the door.

After a whole day of unpacking I'm exhausted. Jin is putting Yoongi and Jimin to bed, and I'm unpacking our clothes. I already put my clothes in the closet. I open Jin's box and on top is a large box of condoms.

"Plan on having sex much?" I ask as he walks in the room.

"Well last time we did it you said that you ran out," Jin says with a small smirk. "Now you never will."

I laugh and smirk back. "Don't be so sure about that~"

Jin blushes and I walk over and kiss him softly. "I'm tired," I whisper. "How about we finish unpacking tomorrow?"

"Mmm," he hums. "Okay."

Jin's POV...

I stare down at the stick in my hand that reads positive. Another kid? Well it looks like the bigger house was a good idea. Now we'll just need a bigger car. I know that Namjoon will be happy that we're having another kid, but we weren't trying to having a kid this time. Yoongi and Jimin were planned. I guess I'll really get to surprise him this time.

"Eomma!" Yoongi calls from downstairs. Yoongi rarely calls for me or Namjoon, he likes learning to things on his own. So either something bad has happened or he wants to play with Jimin who is still sleeping. I sigh and go downstairs to the living room where he's at.

"What is it Yoongi?" I ask and see that he's writing something on a piece of paper.

"Baekhyun called," he says. "He wants to bring Taehyung over. I don't want him to. I don't like Taehyung." He doesn't look at me while he writes.

I frown and sit on the couch. "Why don't you like Taehyung?"

"Jimin is mine," Yoongi says. "And Taehyung is trying to take him away from me." I can't help but laugh.

"Jimin isn't yours sweetie..." I say gently.

"Yes he is eomma!" Yoongi says, looking back at me. "He's my little brother, not Taehyung's."

"Taehyung doesn't have a little brother," I point out.

"Well that's his problem," Yoongi says with a pout. "He doesn't need to steal my little brother. Jimin is mine. Mine."

I pick Yoongi up and set him on my lap. "Well do you want to know a secret." He nods.

"Promise you won't tell your father?" I ask and he nods again.

"You're going to have another little brother or sister," I say and he smiles widely and claps his hands.

"Yay!" He says and points to my belly. "Mine." I laugh and set him down.

"What were you writing?" I ask.

"A note," he says. "Claiming Jimin as mine."

I smile and giggle.

Namjoon comes home as I'm cooking dinner. He comes in the kitchen and I tell him what Yoongi said.

"I think that Yoongi is an alpha," Namjoon says. "They're very protective of their family members, especially omegas and younger siblings. Remember when that guy started talking to you at the grocery store and Yoongi told him him to back off and that you had a mate?"

I laugh. "Yes," I remember. "He wasn't hitting on me. He was just asking about the sale."

"Why?" Namjoon asks. "You don't work there."

"He asked me because alphas can be really clueless sometimes," I say and glance back at him.

Namjoon frowns and starts going through the mail.

~1 week later~

Namjoon's POV...

I come home and the house is strangely silent. Usually the sounds and smells of Jin's cooking fill the air. "Jin?" I call out, no answer. I walk around the house and I see the backdoor open. I walk outside.

"Congratulations!" People shout at me as the come out from hiding, like a surprise party.

Congratulations? For what? I wonder. Jin runs up to me.

"Congratulations," he says with a huge smile on his face. "We're having a third kid."

I wanted to write this sooner, but I had school registration and stuff. Ugh. Why can't it be summer forever? Anyways, I read that kids in South Korea don't go to school until they're 8 years old? Please tell me if this is wrong. PS. Sorry this chapter is kinda short.

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