Chapter 9 ○ Different Is Good

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The murders of Thomas and Martha Wayne were all over the news and newspapers by the morning. Everyone was so concerned about Bruce, but I wasn't. I knew he had someone to look after him, whoever the man from last night may have been. I knew he cared about Bruce, and I knew that Bruce cared for the man, too.

I decided to go visit the Records Annex just to get to know the person who ran it. I heard it was run by Kristen Kringle, and this was confirmed in my mind when Edward talked about her. I told the Captain what I was doing and she allowed me to start my break early. I slowly walked over to the Annex, overlooking everyone else and what they were doing. Harvey Bullock and Jim Gordon were both looking at a file, Edward was walking into the lab just like he always did, and cops were shuffling in groups into the break room. 

Once I got to the door, I knocked in my pattern, and clicking from heels could be heard echoing on the floor. 

"Nygma, I swear to God if it is you.." 

When she saw me, her expression changed immediately. Her hair was an auburn color, and she had rimmed glasses like Edward did. She had very clearly despised Edward, but I think she would like me, right? 

"Hi, are you Kristen?" She nodded and I walked inside the Records Annex. 

The room was very organized visually, and each row had file cabinets with letters and numbers on them. There was a small flower on her desk near the back of the room, and also a binder that contained sign-out slips for evidence. We spent a few minutes talking about our hobbies and what we did before the GCPD, and then she slowly switched subjects to Edward.

"He's so weird, why does he tell so many riddles?" I shrugged and chuckled a bit. "His riddles are actually pretty funny, I don't think they're weird, it's good to see a different person around here, don't you think?" 

She smiled at me and said she had to go for her lunch break. I also had to go once I realized I had to each lunch too. 

"I'll see you later Kristen, maybe we could catch up on our conversation." 

She grinned and nodded, and before walking out adjusted her glasses and smoothed her long skirt.

I had a pretty generic lunch, and I ate in the Captain's office which was normal for me. Sarah, Captain Essen's first name, even gave me my own rolling chair in her office. It was quite a nice thing because when she wasn't there I would close my eyes and spin around violently like I loved to as a child. 

After my lunch break, I decided to head back to the Records Annex to catch up with Kristen. We both walked together while making small talk and what we saw was, by far, one of the weirdest things I've ever seen anyone do. 

Edward Nygma was completely re-organizing the files in the many cabinets. Hundreds of files were neatly stacked up in towers, while Edward was knelt down and humming to himself. Kristen was angered by this, so much that I could almost see steam coming out of her ears. I wasn't angry, but surprised. 

Why was this a bad thing?


Sorry for the lack of Edward Nygma POV's, I promise the next chapter will be a POV of him. Also, if there was any confusion, the Evidence Annex was supposed to be the Records Annex. I should have that fixed shortly.

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