Chapter 44 ○ Excuses

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Edward and Grace sat in the lounge room of the Van Dahl mansion. The weather outside turned from radiant sunshine to a torrential downpour of rain. Grace sat at the chair closest to the window, tracing shapes on the glass. The raindrops followed her fingers and slowly grouped together. Edward sat admiring the woman. He had a second chance that he didn't think he would get. 

"Why didn't you stay at Arkham? If you followed Professor Strange's orders, you wouldn't be in this mess." Edward sat straight up with a teacup in his hands. He was still confused about how Grace got her abilities. He endured torture at Arkham and knew they did experiments, but the experiments only went so far. They were mostly physical changes, not genetic changes.

"I thought you were smarter than that. I don't follow anyone- at least not anymore." Grace turned towards Edward and sat slouched in her chair. Her lips formed a smirk and her eyes gave him a quick up-down look. 

"Then why did you get a job?"

Suddenly, the crime boss Oswald Cobblepot walked into the mansion. His suit was discombobulated and there were small stains of blood on his white shirt underneath. His collar was folded down on one side but fully up on the other.  "Well, I see you two have gotten acquainted. I was meaning to talk to you both about this. A few of my men inside the GCPD told me that you two had a history. Maybe there is something I should know about?" 

Edward thought for an answer. If Oswald caught him lying, he didn't know what would happen. He cleared his throat and spoke up just as Grace was going to give a response. "Well- ahem, we went to college together! We reunited while working together at the GCPD, and we were friends until Ms. Gray- Grace decided to go off the- uh... radar for a bit." 

"I see, Ed. I hope you are being truthful." Oswald walked over to the stairs and went up to his room.

The pair continued to sit and listen to the raindrops hit the outside of the mansion. A bolt of thunder radiated light through the window which made Grace flinch. "Why didn't you just tell the truth, you know- about us?" She looked at the slim man sitting in the chair across from her.

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