Chapter 4

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Dinner had been awfully awkward for Kagome. In Sesshomaru's home, she was technically a servant, which meant she was not supposed to sit at the same table as the lord of the palace himself. Only important members of the house, such as Rin, a select few of Sesshomaru's high ranking soldiers, including Kazu -who Kagome had learned was one of the West's top three generals- were allowed to dine at this table. And of course Sesshomaru himself.

She'd chosen a seat at the far end of the table, hoping to be invisible to the others, but that was an epic failure. Everyone save for Rin and Sesshomaru had stared at her the majority of the meal, making Kagome's appetite diminish even though she was near starving. Rin sat next to her, chattering between messy bites. Others attempted at light conversation with Kagome, but again she hadn't been very responsive, only giving little nods here and there.

She'd felt Sesshomaru's eyes on her every now and then, but she hadn't looked up, fearing her face would flush in remembrance of her earlier embarrassment. Other servants who passed through bringing food in and out flashed envious glances at Kagome, some even making rude gestures. She ignored them to the best of her ability, though a muscle in her eyebrow continued to tick. She didn't want to cause any trouble here in the Western Palace, but she was by no means a pushover. If push came to shove then she was going to beat the smug out of several of Sesshomaru's servants.

She thought about his threat to hand her over to her former captor, and shivered distastefully. Then again, maybe that wouldn't be such a great idea.

After the meal was over, Rin asked Kagome to stay with her in her room until she fell asleep, but Kagome gently explained to her that she had to attend a meeting with Sesshomaru. The girl looked to be close to tears, so Kagome had promised to try and join her the following night. Now standing outside Sesshomaru's study, she lightly tapped on the shoji screen door. He bid her enter and she did, closing the door behind herself.

Kagome allowed her eyes to wander all about the room. She eyed the shelves neatly filled with scrolls and books and a few other nameless objects. There was one big window on the far wall that overlooked a small garden that was surround by rose bushes. A Sakura tree that was shedding the last of its blossoms towered the garden. It probably would have shaded the place had it been fully blossomed during the spring and summer.

Off to the left sat Sesshomaru behind a wide low polished desk that had neat pile of unrolled scrolls covering its surface. Behind it, Sesshomaru looked up from the scroll he'd been reading and placed his cold eyes on her. Grudgingly, Kagome bowed.

"You wished to see me, Sesshomaru-sama?" She asked. Sourness clogged her throat at having to address him like so, but she did what was necessary not to anger him. He already disliked her on a great scale. No sense encouraging that dislike, at least not at the moment since he was about to decide her fate.

"Hn," Sesshomaru said, sounding amused. It was as if he knew it damn near killed her to address him so properly and took amusement in the knowledge. "I did."

Kagome straightened. He indicated one of the two cushions seats that sat before his desk facing him. Kagome quietly padded over and sat down as gracefully as she could. She gave a little wince at the pressure on a leg that was still recovering from being broken. Her ribs were in the same condition, though the plush obi about her waist cushioned her torso, making the pain hardly noticeable.

Finding a comfortable position to remain in, Kagome looked up at the icy lord expectantly. He had an annoyed look as if to say, "are you done?" Kagome gave him a sugary smile, knowing it irked his nerves. "Then let's get started, shall we?"

He glared. "Hn. Very well then, wench." He smirked when he saw the tick in her eyebrow. "I do not care much for a preamble, so tell me everything from beginning to end. Starting with who you are. And remember: first scent of a lie, your fate is sealed."

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