Chapter 27

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If there was ever a man to claim he does not fear a pregnant woman, he has obviously never known one. A pregnant woman was not a force to reckoned with.

A pregnant Inu... Now that was a completely different story.

Sesshomaru had prided himself on his strength for ages. He came from a very long line of powerful Daiyoukai. He's had many, many battles, faced great dangers, and had come close to death a time or two.

But nothing -nothing- was nearly as terrifying as the sight of Kagome, his sweet, precious Kagome, as she was now. As she grew closer and closer to her delivery, her mode swings became worse and worse. When she first woke up early this morning, everything was fine. She walked around with a smile plastered on her face. She was cheery and polite, even helped several servants with their labors. However, the moment Rin left to attend her lessons, Kagome had burst into tears. For nearly an hour straight she'd sobbed, saying how much she missed Rin and such. Then it was hell afterwards.

Nothing was right with her. She yelled at the servants for not doing their job correctly, then yelled at them even more when they did do it correctly. Though she rushed to apologize afterwards, she started yelling even more. There was a point when Sesshomaru felt a bit of sympathy for them, which was soon directed at the poor vase that had been flung at a near wall.

And then, dear kamis above, that anger was turned to Sesshomaru. Currently ducking behind the already low desk in his study, he watched as Kagome paced back and forth, grumbling here and there about nothing in particular. Sesshomaru didn't dare try to calm her down. Especially not when her youkai flared violently around her. He feared she might physically lash out at him if he attempted to use his own youkai to soothe her.

Not that he feared Kagome in such a way. He knew for a fact that should they battle it out (not that he'd ever wish for such) it would be impossible to tell who the victor would be. But he could never intentionally cause physical harm to her, especially not while she was carrying his pup.

So he just sat there watching her, his eyes wider than normal. He glanced over to his left, contemplating sneaking out the window in order to escape. He didn't care how much of a coward he was being. Anyone could understand.

He inched over to the window little by little when Kagome's back was turned. Finally he was close enough to push it open. He managed to get one leg out before Kagome turned on him with glowing red eyes.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" She growled, the sound more terrifying than anything he'd ever heard. "I'm talking to you!" Sesshomaru gulped when she started making her way over to him with glowing claws, her youkai near visible with its intensity.

Sesshomaru was half a second away from leaping out the window when the door to his study slid open, and a cheery little girl walked in, humming a light tune.

Kagome's mood changed just like that. Her youkai was reigned into her body, her eyes changed back to their normal color, and a bright smile split her face. "Rin!" She exclaimed happily with a clap of her hands.

Rin, oblivious to the monster Kagome had been all day, grinned, and ran over to Kagome, hugging her tight. Kagome picked the child up and held her to her chest, nuzzling her.

Sesshomaru blinked dumbly. Huh. All it took to cure Kagome's mood swings was to place Rin in front of her? He should have known that to begin with. From now on either Kagome would have to go with Rin to her classes, or Sesshomaru would have to make Rin stop taking classes until Kagome gave birth. Kamis, neither he nor his household could take another day like this. The poor servants were shaking they were so scared.

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