Chapter 23

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Chapter 23:

"Hey, old man! Get out here!" Inuyasha yelled into the mouth of the cave that sat on a short bluff.

After reaching the geysers surrounding Totosai's cave, Kagome, Sesshomaru, and Inuyasha had left the men traveling with them down below. If she remembered correctly, Totosai was a wacky old goon, but he was fairly harmless. That is, unless, he decided he tired of one's presence.

The ride here had been awfully awkward. The men had sensed the two Daiyoukai's dark moods, and it had affected them in a way that made the travel nearly completely silent. Sesshomaru, despite her futile protests, had forced her into riding atop AhUn, and then had walked as close to her as he could get. The protective manner was unneeded, but even past the dark emotions swirling through her, Kagome felt a girlish delight of the maneuver.

Which was ridiculous, of course. He'd only been protecting the pup, not her. A thought that made her heart throb in an odd disappointment.

There was the sound of feet shuffling and a bit of grumbling about rude hanyous before Totosai stepped out of the cave, glaring at Inuyasha. Kagome was happy to see the old man was exactly how she remembered him. His gaze turned wary when he glanced at Sesshomaru. He blinked owlishly. "Surely my eyes must be playing tricks on me. Both Taisho boys are here in one place? And they aren't fighting?! Oh my!"

Inuyasha rolled his eyes. "It's a temporary arrangement," he murmured softly.

"Well, it's a start! What do you need of me? Has Tetsusaiga been broken again? Have you come to demand I make Tenseiga a cutting blade? Does Tokijin need-"

"No, no, and no. We have a surprise for you." Inuyasha gestured to Kagome, who was half hidden behind Sesshomaru's large frame. She stepped from behind him, but he wouldn't allow her to go more than a foot from him. Kagome bit back her annoyed words that there was no danger, but she held it in. He'd already lost one pup. He was simply making sure not to lose another one, even if they all knew there was no true danger here.

"Greetings, Totosai," she said with a dip of her head.

Totosai's buggy eyes glanced over her in confusion, clearly not knowing who she was. Kagome pulled her bangs back to show him the star on her forehead. Slowly, his round eyes became even bigger and his mouth fell open in shock. Kagome dropped her hand, slightly disappointed by the fact that she had to show him her birth mark in order for him to recognize her. But who could blame him? It's been three centuries since anyone who knew her last saw her, after all.

"Kagome-sama," he breathed. He took a stumbling step back as if he couldn't quite believe what he was seeing. "You... You're alive." Kagome gave a grave nod. "How is this possible?"

"It is a long story. Unfortunately, I do not have time to relay it at the moment."

He nodded in understanding and straightened. "You've come for your Rinkaiga, I assume?"

"Of course."

"Well come, come." He entered the cave with his company following behind him. They stopped in what looked to be a welcoming room at Totosai's command, and watched as he went into the back of the cave. Inuyasha walked around the large room, admiring the many types of weapons hanging on the walls. Sesshomaru came up to Kagome's side, the back of his hand brushing hers.

Totosai returned, carrying a sheathed sword. With a bow, he handed it to Kagome. "It's been centuries, but I've always cared for the sword. Many have asked for it, but I would not let them, simply out of prolonging the honor of the Higurashi bloodline."

Kagome frowned. "Has my brother not come to claim it? After all, it was to be passed down through the generations."

Totosai ducked his head. "Hai, your brother has tried many times to obtain the sword, but I wouldn't let him. There was no telling what kind of destruction he would use it for."

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