Chapter 24

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Inuyasha leaned his back against the wall that separated his guest room from Kagome and Sesshomaru's. He didn't feel bad at all about eavesdropping. There wasn't much his doggy ears missed, even if the wall wasn't paper thin as most of the screen doors.

Besides, he'd told himself that he was listening out for Kagome's benefit. In case his brother said or tried something that would hurt her already fragile heart.

Kagome was one tough egg, but she sure wasn't invincible. Not physically, and not mentally. That night she'd woken up and he'd been by her side had shown him a vulnerability in her one who didn't truly know her would see. It had nearly broken his own heart, something he had guarded and protected for years.

But it seemed as if things were brightening, if only a tiny bit. Kagome had begun to build the old bridge that had once connected them. And despite Inuyasha still not trusting his brother completely, he'd have to keep a sharp eye out for them. If he knew anything about his brother, it was that he could blow up and end up saying the wrong things, things he probably didn't even mean.

Inuyasha sighed. Speaking of building bridges, Inuyasha wondered if there would ever be a day when he'd fully accept Sesshomaru. That he'd forgive all the wrongs that had been done him. Of course, there was no forgetting on his part, but maybe he could at least try to forgive. He and Sesshomaru had called a truce due to their shared desire to protect Kagome, and Sesshomaru had even made small attempts at being nice-ish to him. Maybe they could build the brotherly relationship they had lost.

With a deep sigh, Inuyasha pushed away from the wall. He needed to think, something he hardly ever did around others. He was more of a man of action. Attack first, ask questions later.

After using a cloth to clean from a large bowl of warm water, he exited his room and quietly made his way the way they'd come in. He'd seen a large tree hanging over one of the gardens outside his small bedroom window. Trees help him think. They gave him a peace nothing else had. He was sure that cocky Bankotsu wouldn't mind.

But then again, Inuyasha could care less if the lord minded or not.

When he finally found the garden, he leapt onto a high branch, using the base of the tree to lean against. His eyes slid closed.

"Do you often climb other people's trees without their permission, or do you just not care?"

Inuyasha felt his brow furrow. He didn't even bother to try and open his eyes at the sound of the low womanly voice. It wouldn't make a difference. "I just don't care."

The woman huffed. "Well I will ask you kindly only once to remove yourself from my tree."

Her tree? He'd found it first. He firmly believed in the "Finder's Keepers" rule. "Did you plant this tree here with your bare hands? No? Then I'm not leaving." To prove his point, he wriggled his body into an even more comfortable position.

"Actually, hai. I did plant it."

That startled Inuyasha a bit, but he shrugged. "So what."

The woman went quiet for a minute, giving Inuyasha a moment of peace. Only a moment, however. Something poked him in the side, hard. Then it did it again and again. With an annoyed growl, he glared down at the woman, but felt his breath catch and his heart stop momentarily.

Kamis, the woman was beautiful. She was dressed as a miko, with long black hair tied loosely with a ribbon. Narrowed brown eyes glared up at him, her pretty bow-shaped lips pressed together tightly.

She used her bow to poke him again, this time with enough force to knock him out of the tree. He shook his head and leapt to his feet, glaring at her. "That hurt, you know."

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