Chapter 28

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Dressed as a simple servant, Kagome hastily followed Kazu through the palace. They made sure to take the back halls to keep out of sight.

'Lord Souta of the North has just arrived.'

Kagome's heart felt tight in her chest. It has been three centuries since she had seen her younger brother Souta. Her brother who had their entire family killed and given her to Naraku in order to take the throne. Her brother who spent the last three hundred years destroying their lands. Her brother who gleefully allowed their enemy to terrorize their people.

Kamis, what was he doing here? Did he know Kagome was still alive? Did the news reach him somehow? Only a handful of people knew of her true identity, and they wouldn't have told anyone if their life depended on it.

It was too soon. Kagome couldn't face her brother just yet. Not when she knew she would have to kill him for his crimes. She had to. She loved her brother dearly, still remembering his as the kid who'd been by her side growing up. Was he even still in there somewhere deep down?

But even with that thought Kagome knew it was inevitable. A part of her wanted to take him in her arms and hold him tight, providing him with comfort and assurance that all would be well.

But all was not well. There was no returning from the monster Souta had become. Even if he truly felt sorry and begged for forgiveness, there was no way he could remain alive. She could banish him from all of Japan, but he could always return. But even if not, too much damage had been done. Death was the only way to truly end it all. Maybe then he could finally rest In peace. Whatever anger and hate fueled him to do all he's done all this time would hopefully end there. His soul could rest with their parents on the Otherside.

With a sigh Kagome focused on keeping her aura and youkai tightly sealed. Even the tiniest slip could reveal her whereabouts. And if that happened, she would quite possible have to fight for her and her pup's life if Souta sought her out. She was in no condition to fight right now, and though Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, and the rest of the palace's guards would fight mightily for her, she simply could not risk it. Though both the west and south's armies were ready for battle, Kagome still had to gather the men of the north to fight along side them to ensure victory. It was just far too soon.

Kazu slowed until they reached a room Kagome wasn't quite familiar with. It was on the far south side of the main palace.

"This room once belonged to my lord when he was younger," Kazu said softly. "He was once a skilled painter, before his mother passed. Ever since then it has been sealed off and no one has been allowed to enter."

Kagome sucked in a soft breath. She had no idea Sesshomaru used to paint. It had to have been so long since this room was ever touched. Centuries, in fact.

"This is where you will remain, Milady." His lips were turned down at the corners, his eyes full of worry. "I do not think Souta knows you are here, or even alive, but we cannot take even the slightest of chances." He quickly ushered her inside, lighting several candles hanging on the wall. "Sesshomaru has already sent Sango-san here, so she should arrive at any given moment. I'm sure you know, but she was once a demon slayer from the north. She will protect you should anything happen. I have seen her skill some years ago so I do not question her competence, and neither does my lord." Kagome nodded in agreement, and Kazu worried his bottom lip for a moment before squeezing her hands gently.

"Please be careful, Kagome, and please do not leave this room under any circumstances. Everything will be resolved shortly."

Kagome nodded again. Worry filled her still, but she had to trust in Kazu and Sesshomaru. "Take care, Kazu."

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