Chapter 20

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(Kagome and guards escorting Inuyasha to Izayoi)

The sun was beginning to set hours after Kagome and her guards left the castle. A little Inuyasha ran circles around Kagome, making her dizzy. He was a rather mercurial child. One moment he complained about being hungry. The next he was grumpy at having to walk for so long, despite the fact that Kagome and several of the men had offered to carry him more than once. Then he was bouncing with joy, wanting to play. Then he was melancholy for no reason whatsoever. Then he was hungry again.

In spite of the handful that he was, Kagome loved him regardless. She even hoped her own pup would end up like him, though the chances of that happening were quite slim. Sesshomaru wasn't exactly a ball of emotions like his younger brother, and Kagome had been forced to remain quite neutral emotion-wise on the outside. She suspected their pup would be quiet, but not shy. It would speak its mind when it pleased and not be daunted by anything. It would have its father's brooding and arrogant demeanor with its mother's compassion.

Kagome absently placed a hand on the small bump, something she'd grown accustomed to doing. Inuyasha noticed this, and stopped his running. He reached his little hands upward and placed them on her belly, gently stroking. "You pwomise to come get me when this wittle bugger is out of you?"

Kagome let out a startled laugh. "I told you not to use that word, Yashi-kun. And, hai. When the time comes, only if it okay with your mother, I will send someone for you to meet your new niece or nephew."

He nodded and laid his head on her stomach, walking backwards awkwardly. After a few moments, his head shot up and he gasped, a cute grin brightening his face. "I felt a pulse, ane-san!" His eyes became awed.

One of the men leading their entourage said they'd reach the interspecies village Izayoi said to meet in less than an hour. Inuyasha cheered happily and began walking excitedly next to Kagome, his small hand in hers.

After a few minutes of listening to Inuyasha as he chattered away, something prickled at the base of Kagome's neck. She stopped suddenly, her instincts on high alert. The men surrounding her did the same, tensed for battle. She knew the prickling feeling all too well.

Danger was in the air.

One of the men gave an alarmed shout and before they knew it, they were under attack. Everything went by in a blur. Half of her men began to drop like flies. When only ten remained standing, their attackers stopped and Kagome could see what they were.

Dragons. Three of them forming a semicircle casually before the group. They were in human form, their bloodied weapons drawn before themselves.

Kagome felt her heart sink to her toes and began to break out cold sweat. Like inus, dragons were stronger and faster than most other youkai. Even without training they were mostly thus. Had she not been so terrified for Inuyasha, who was hiding behind her kimono, she was sure she could take each of them on singlehandedly. Especially since she had Rinkaiga, the powerful sword made from a great dragon's tooth her great-grandfather had killed ages ago.

"Well well, what have we here?" One of the dragons drawled, his voice hissing much like a snake's.

"Seems to me like soldiers from the west," another replied in the same hissing tone. His slitted eyes slid over to Kagome, roaming her face. He grinned maliciously. "Ah, the beautiful daughter of the north." He mock clasped his hands together in delight. "And Taisho's little halfbreed! What luck, huh, Shiki?"

The last dragon snorted in agreement. Kagome swallowed thickly, but forced herself to remain calm. Being afraid would only appeal to the dragons, making their taunting and teasing worse. Instead, she glared at the dragons. "Each of you have just committed an unjust crime against the west, as well as the north. For that, you will be punished."

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